we have a love/hate relationship.
yep, its the truth.
the love part would definitely haave to be that i just love love all the people in that room number 408. love. who knew i would ever like sophomores/juniors/they still are sophomores to me...? yeah who feaking knew. i love all those girls {and some boys.. i guess} in there and its the bomb.
okay second part of my love with chior. i loove to sing! yes its true. alone? nope. i will die first. but with a group of 80 people its my faavorite.
okay so the hate.
drama. choir creates drama...weird i know. well and, people talk about choir like its their job and no i do not in any way hate those people who do talk about it. actually i love ALL of them A whole freaking LOT. i know i am guilty of it too but srsly? there is more to life than choir. trust me... im pretty sure in choir today all we talked about was choir for almost the whole hour. kill.me.now. its exausting talking about it that much.
but, there isnt very much to hate about choir. its mostly love. mostly love alot.
ha talking about hating talking about choir here is go. oh well, i guess i will just be a hypocrite.
these are just SOOME of the girls that i just love love love in choir.
we matched ohh so good on this day :)
oh and now to the shaving of the legs/nastyness/i'm throwing up in my mouth thinking about it right now.
i want to die.
apparantly a couple... aka 4... boys i know and happen to see alot think it would be manly{??} to shave thier legs. ha okay so maybe thats not what they were thinking but who even cares what they are thinking? their brains have gots to be upside down because that is just sick and wrong on sooo many levels. seriously. guys with shaved legs is like... a dog with no hair, or a bird with no feathers. yucky, yuck yuck yuck.
thats all.
life is good... and dont get me wrong. i love choir. its fun :)