"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

choir/shaved legs. yuck

we have a love/hate relationship.
yep, its the truth.
the love part would definitely haave to be that i just love love all the people in that room number 408. love. who knew i would ever like sophomores/juniors/they still are sophomores to me...? yeah who feaking knew. i love all those girls {and some boys.. i guess} in there and its the bomb.
okay second part of my love with chior. i loove to sing! yes its true. alone? nope. i will die first. but with a group of 80 people its my faavorite.

okay so the hate.
drama. choir creates drama...weird i know. well and, people talk about choir like its their job and no i do not in any way hate those people who do talk about it. actually i love ALL of them A whole freaking LOT. i know i am guilty of it too but srsly? there is more to life than choir. trust me... im pretty sure in choir today all we talked about was choir for almost the whole hour. kill.me.now. its exausting talking about it that much.
but, there isnt very much to hate about choir. its mostly love. mostly love alot.
ha talking about hating talking about choir here is go. oh well, i guess i will just be a hypocrite.

these are just SOOME of the girls that i just love love love in choir. 

we matched ohh so good on this day :)

oh and now to the shaving of the legs/nastyness/i'm throwing up in my mouth thinking about it right now.
i want to die.
apparantly a couple... aka 4... boys i know and happen to see alot think it would be manly{??} to shave thier legs. ha okay so maybe thats not what they were thinking but who even cares what they are thinking? their brains have gots to be upside down because that is just sick and wrong on sooo many levels. seriously. guys with shaved legs is like... a dog with no hair, or a bird with no feathers. yucky, yuck yuck yuck.

thats all.
life is good... and dont get me wrong. i love choir. its fun :)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

hey there.

sooo life is preetty good. i'd say
my ipod is no longer MIA.
seriously best news ever

also, last night i saw FAME. ah yeah. amazing. see it. i dare you.
its good.
oh, annnnd last night i made some bombs. ha yes. so fun.
lets just say last night was a fun night.
pictures? i think so...

jackson is cool? yeah, only when he is wearing my sunglasses though.. hah

andy is a scary person. yes i chose not to fix the red eye. it adds to his creepyness. love

chandler is a part time model. nbd

bats in the cave?

they stole my camera. them little turds.

i fixed my camera after theys broke it.
this is jacksons happy face

this is my happy face. yes, i was devastated for the 30 minutes it was broked.

life is good.
but i am a busy girl and have to clean the WHOLE FREAKING HOUSE before my parents get home and before my day activity in abouuut 2 hours. and literally the whole house because all my lovely siblings decided to dissapear and leave me as the maid. lovely.

oh well, life goes on.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

18 years ago today...

exactly 18 years ago i was born. cool huh. 
basically what that means is that its my birthday today
i'm a big deal.
or so i think. aha...
but anyyway birthdays just happen to be my favorite.
ony because you can do what you want when you want and how you want.
your excuse? its my birthday. yeah no one questions the ligitimacy of that
oh its your birthday? alrightt... 
not chores, no bed making, no nothing.
its the bomb.
but i would have to say the flaw in birthdays would have to be all the attention that you get from having them.
i'm not gonna lie i looove giving people attention on their birthdays i just hate getting it. weird? no, i don't think so.

but probably one of the best things about birthdays would have to be all the happy birthday texts/wall posts you get. ha they make me laugh so hard.
firstly i love it when you can tell when people definitely are not sincere.
like,  you hate me...? so why do you want me to have a good day?
or i love it when they are just down right HILARIOUS
seriously. carolyn kindt definitely was the favorite of the day
i hope she reads this
also what i love about happy birthday texts is like when you get them from people you didnt even know you had thier number and seriusly havent talked to them in aaages. 
how the heck do they even remember its my birthday?
i'm always tempted to ask but... i never do. darn
but, i am pretty sure i am going to go eat at the chart house {?} with my 2 of my bestest friends steph and chels. yay so excited. i really have never been there, but i hear its just great. so i'm pretty excited.
well, i love my life and me and dave finished our annoying constitution project today!! ha yeahhh!
so much...fun.
well! happy birthday to me! love you all! don't think i am a lamo for blogging about my own birthdayy! baha.yay.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

happy constitution day!!

so i love my country. yup. well most of the time... i mean of course there is a lot to complain about but think about it... it really doesn't get much better. i mean we might have a lot of taxes and stupid idiot politicians but compared to the rest of the world we gots a pretty good life. also ap gov. with mrs. ries is like the best thing that ever happened to me. i feel like i learn so so much every day i am in that class. its so great. seriously. 

also, look what i came across.
hahahaha... funniest video of my life. 
probably its only funny to me and marissa stoker...
but it pretty much made my day.

ohhh those were the days...
miss it. 
oh, and and i miss my hair :(

but.. my life is greaaat and the parentals are outta town which makes life even greater. seriously. oh and choarle retreat tomorrow. bleh. its from 4 to 11 in the p.m. talk about lengthly! like i love chior and all... but really does it have to be 7 whole freaking hours. i think not. AND it happens to be on the last day that i will ever be underage. weird. at least its not on my BIRTHDAY this year. that was bad news. well! random blog post but its just too fun. bah. 
cool huh.

Monday, September 14, 2009

talk about embarassing...

so the other day... okay like last night, i found out i don't know how to spell dilemma. yeah... there are 2 m's!! who knew?! its only my blog title and i spelled it wrong. thanks all. it took like 3 weeks for me to figure it out and it was because my very own genius brother travis pointed it out... greaat.

but, other than that embarrassing episode... my life is just great! although...i am on the hunt for a [modest] homecoming dress... which are very hard to come by at this point in time soo... if you know of anyone with one that i could maybe possibly borrow or sumsing you should proobably let me know! that would be grandly appreciated.seriously.

oh, and i just saw UP tonight. yeah. i basically love love loove that movie. its pretty much the best. i hope my husband is a cute old man like he is. seriously though, i love that movie... 

Monday, September 7, 2009

day of labor

so labor day was today. yeah loved it. NOT. wasn't this day invented to take a day off? not work in the yard from 7 in the a.m. all the way till noon? yeah. thats what i thought too. i guess my parents and i are not on the same page. weird, thats never happened before. also my parents favorite thing to do on labor day is just invite probably the whole freaking state over for a barbeque. my favorite. so i just went downstairs and watched a movie. i was feeling a bit anti social. i can only handle adult talk for so long. it is so draining trying to keep up on all the gossip. oh well... so during my antisocialness i watched the movie Penelope. it was a little weird but i looved it. it was like a fairytale in real life even though that definitely could never happen in real life. it also definitely fits the definition of a chick flick perfectly and therefore i assume most guys would not like it very much at all. but i thoroughly enjoyed it. yup, thats my life

also i had this thought today while stuffing 
myself full of delicious food.
if i was 7 feet tall, i definitely 
could eat soo much more food. 
but really though. think about it for a sec. my stomach? 
yeah it would hold probably like twice as
 much as it does as of now. 
so my new life long goal is... 
become 7 feet tall. 
or, i'll just get the stomach the size of someone that tall.

thats all.
hope your labor day was as greaat as mine was!!

p.s. sorry if i sound very bitter and well yeah, bitter... i'm not really. sometimes complaining is just... fun

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


so today a couple of punks and i went swimming after school just for...fun? yeah, fun. and i was thinking... swimming really is gross. okay clarification, swimming with other people is gross... just think about it for a second. there are definitely multiple people in the pool all of which at one point get water in their mouth/nose/ears/who knowws what and it all just stays in the water. you know, like water gets in  your mouth and you spit it out. its like second nature... yeah... but, i decided thats pretty sicknasty. if you think about it. but other than that random thought that came to me today, early release is pretty much the besst and should happen every day. ohkay, lets be more realistic...every week. but my point is, it was pretty much really fun. loved it. love my friends. love life :)

also, its my dads birthday today. i just love him. 
big 48. 
he is like exactly 30 years and 17 days older than me... weird. happy birthday pops!!

Oh and and rollerblading is the best ever ever everrr. i really haven't been in probably forever but i went today and it just reminded me how much i just love it so much. favorite thing. yup! knowing me you will probably hear more about it later in life... ha. seriously though, best. love love love...