Because I was stuck in Ogden until about 7:30 in the night, I missed the Relief Society broadcast. Good thing I love technology and technology loves me and I can read it online while I am sitting here at my 3 hour shift at work this morning. Anyway, I loved it. I especially loved President Uchtdorf's talk. That guy is great. Anyway he used the forget-me-not flower as a metaphor for his remarks, President
Uchtdorf talked about that although the flower is small in size, and easily
unnoticed among larger flowers, it is still beautiful and vibrant. Ha, I feel like the in the Relief Society broadcast they are always talking about how awesome the women are and how we are so strong and beautiful and amazing and just oh so great. But in the Priesthood session they always slam on the guys how they need to respect their priesthood, respect women, avoid sin, and the classic, get married. Don't get me wrong, I agree with all of those things. I just kind it a little bit funny... Although I secretly love it :)
Anyway here's a little outline and some quotes I loved from President Uchtdorf 's talk.
The gist of it was that he told us women 5 things that we should not forget.
First: Forget not to be patient with yourself
“God wants to help us eventually turn all of our weaknesses into
strengths, but He knows that this is a long-term goal,”
“It is OK that you are not quite there yet. Keep working
on it but stop punishing yourself. “
“Dear sisters, many of you are endlessly compassionate and patient
with the weaknesses of others... Please remember also to be
compassionate and patient with yourself.”
Second: Forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice.
He defined an acceptable sacrifice as giving up “something good for something of far greater worth.”
Third: Forget not to be happy now
I love the example he used from Charlie and the Chocolate
Factory! Riiight up my ally
“In their anxiousness, people began to forget the simple joy they
used to find in a candy bar. The candy bar itself becomes an utter
disappointment if it does not contain a golden ticket,”
“The lesson here is that if we spend our days waiting for
fabulous roses, we could miss the beauty and wonder of the tiny
forget-me-nots that are all around us.”
I love that. Don't get caught up in looking for the Golden Ticket and forget to enjoy the chocolate we have right there in our hands :)
Fourth: Forget not the “why” of the gospel
He reminded us that the gospel is not an
obligation, but a pathway leading to happiness and peace in this life
and “glory and inexpressible fulfillment” in the life to come.
I love that.
Fifth: Forget not that the Lord loves you
and the classic quote that brought us all to the forget-me-not's
“You may at times feel a little like the forget-me-not—insignificant,
small, or tiny in comparison with others, I hope it will be a symbol of the little things that make your
lives joyful and sweet.”
Man, I cannot wait for conference.