"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Holy cow I feel so cool! Okay not really, but kinda :)
Also yesterday in the Kindie-garden class I got two compliments. Well maybe 2... I'm not sure.

1. That I look like the princess off of One Brave Mouse
2. That I smell good.

I'm not quite sure if number 2 coming from a kindergartner is a compliment... well maybe, it could mean I smell like a corn-dog which in their minds is "good"... But I think I just smell good. Great!

And the first compliment I was sure was a compliment but I had never heard of that movie before so I had to google it of course. And this is what I found out. It is really called The Tale of Despereaux. And the princess seems super sad. I think regardless of weather or not I look like her it's a compliment to be remembered by the shyest/cutest little boy in the class. Seriously, it was so cute when he told me, you had to be there.

Anyway, this is her. I guess her name is Princess Pea? I think I'm gonna have to watch this movie.

So that cute little kid thinks I look like her... But what do you guys think? Have I found my new doopleganger?!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

blast from the past.

Oh wow. Facebook really is a wonderful thing. Really! Here's why:: My good friend Marissa Stoker put up some pictures from oh you know, back in the day and since we were inseperable from age 4... Lets just say I was in a couple :)

Here are some classics.

It's true that pictures really say a thousand words. I could go on and on and on about this picture!
Here's the story: back in the day I would go to Miss's house probably every day 
and we would do one of 2 things.
1. Play dress up, or
2. Play house
Not only did she have the most dress ups, but her older sister Ashley LOVED to dress us up! Really, it was amazing. So Ashley would always dress us up and  make little outfits for us out of fabric and boas... kinda like miss's in this picture. BUT I would never let ashley dress me up immodestly... So pictures like this always turned out; Miss with her little devil outfit, and me with my completely modest angel outfit. Hahah... amazing. I love it.
Also, Ashley would always take off my glasses for the picture to make me look prettier or something... But the result was my crossed eyes. Oh man.

Another picture at the Stokers. I was such and awkward child...  You get a better look at my gargantuan glasses in this one! haha.

Oh my 7th grade... we look like such babies. I swear 7th graders now a days look like I did when I was in high school... doing their hair all good and wearing all this hard-core makeup. Wait, I still don't do my hair and wear tons of make-up... uh... Yeah, kids are growing up way to fast these days. It's almost as if they are skipping their awkward stage. NOT OKAY. If I had to go through my awkward stage seen here, than my kids will have to too :) 
Also, weird that little Meghan Peifer is already married!! Holy crap.

And last but not least.
I have a little downtime at work so I created this little gem.
The picture on the right was taken at our ward Halloween party our senior year, and the picture on the left is from above but we were probably 5 years old. A 13 year stretch here people.
Just goes to show that people never change!!

Yeah, basically most of my best and funniest memories are with this girl!! It's weird not seeing her every week and I swear I will always think of something funny and then no one will get it except I know if Miss was here she would, and we would laugh together. Moral of the story is, Marissa Anne Stoker needs to get her booty up to Provo ASAP! Because I miss her, and these pictures made me laugh for hours. and wait, I am still laughing because they are amazing.

ALSO good news minute:

I SOLD MY SPRING/SUMMER CONTRACT!!!! Mesa, Az here I come!!!!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

the spectrum song

red, yellow, green, red, blue, blue, blue
red, purple, green, yellow, orange, red red.

That song has been running through my head all weekend! Why? Because of the Holi Festival of course! Otherwise known as the Festival of Colors. For those of you who are unaware of what this amazing event is, I will tell you. It is this Indian festival at the Hindu Temple in Spanish Fork. It is basically a celebration welcoming in spring and you take a bunch of colored chalk and throw it around!!! It's basically the most FUN thing I have done all month... well, besides going to Vegas. Anyway, Pictures don't even do this event justice, but I will share my favorites anyway :)

We were CLEAN!! Well... almost. We wanted a picture where we were completely clean, but some meanies threw color on us as we were making the looong walk from our car to the temple...rude.

 Before the Ceremony. So clean, So Happy!!

Isn't the temple super cool? Yeah, it looks strait out of Aladdin.

I got told I look like an Avatar... As long as I get to date Jake Sully... I'm down!!

This would be my brother Trever Nicoll... he is great.

The 4 of us just had a blast and a half. No lie, I love these people to death

One of my favorite pictures!
Take note of the snow on the mountains... yeah...


One of my favorite pictures of the day!

My lovely roommate.. Love her! Only 2 1/2 more weeks :(

Wouldya LOOK who we saw there! I love them. 4 altos, senior year :)

As we walked home we started to de-chalk ourselves so it didn't get all over the car.
Trev looked like this.
AND it was hilarious, I really couldn't stop laughing at how silly he looks.

my de-chalking phase. One pink eye and one purple eye. I thought it looked pretty cool! Also, I think I am going to dye my eyebrow purple from now on :)

I know, I am aware that I look emo in this picture... But I wanted to capture my hair!! Although I didn't do a great job of capturing the whole effect of the hair.... I'm surprised all the color came out!! A lot of girls with blond hair still have pink streaks in their hair...

 Yeah, we did a pretttty good job of getting most of the chalk off! But, Troy still looks like a clown.

ANYWAY! I really just love love loved the Festival of Colors!! I went with the funnest people ever and really had a lot of fun! I'll definitely be coughing up color for the next month because of the HUGE cloud of color that I was engulfed for about 2 minutes but It's okay. I loved it. When a thousandfold of people all throw their chalk in the air at once, you literally can't see a thing besides pink and purple and cannot breathe!! There was chalk EVERYWHERE! I literally sneezed purple, my earwax was red, and my shower was a plethora of colors. It was so great!!! :)

AND yes, everyone who didn't go this year NEEDS to go next year. 
I know I will be there!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Richie Rich

Happy Waffle Day everyone!! Yes I am serious, today is the day of celebrating waffles. Isn't it great? In case you aren't already sure if it is really all the great, I will tell you. Yes, yes it is great. Because I was starving when I came to work, but now I am not because my lovely co-worker made Waffle Sandwiches. And if you don't know what a Waffle Sandwhich is, thats fine. Neither did I. But they are delectible and I want another.

Anyway, while browsing the Yahoo homepage whillist at work, I read an article on how the stupidest things make so much money! For example, the dude who sold pet rocks made 15 million dollars in the first  
6 MONTHS! Holy crap. That's a lot a dough. 
But then I had my own little thought...
Why don't I open up my very own IHOW and make millions?!
IHOW obviously standing for the International House of Waffles, duh :)
IHOP needs some competition... right?

I thought I had it made... It was a done deal! My IHOW was going to make me rich and I would never have to work a day in my life again.

But thennnn I had another thought...
Such thing already exists!
It's called,



Thursday, March 24, 2011

life is good :)

Guess what, today I made the yummiest treat ever!!
Drumroll pleaaase....


Ohh my goodness... I'm in love
No Joke I don't know if I'll ever go back to normal cookies, although normal cookies wayy less time consuming. But still. They are delectable.

Also, If someone wants to contribute a new oven to Apt. 481, it would be greatly appreciated. Because our oven is the home to the Black Smoke Monster in Lost. No, I am not even kidding you! It's real, and lives in our oven. Every single time I bake something I have to open the oven door ever 5 minutes to let out the never-ending smoke or else it starts seeping out of the oven. It's actually quite scary I get afraid that it is going to blow up our oven. So now I am hiding out upstairs with all the windows open to try and clear the smoke out of our apartment. Go downstairs, I dare you... You'll suffocate.

this is what it looks like, except coming out of our oven, and not the ground...

Anyway, I'm gonna go eat another cookie now. Those things are just way to good.

ALSO, 3 hours until Florida gets Jimmered by the Cougars!!!!!!! So stoked.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Uh, oh...

No wonder I fail all my tests! This explains everything!! Not only did I fall down cement stairs as wee lass while learning to walk, but I am brain damaging myself.
I definitely fall under numbers 2,4,5,6, 7, and 8. That could be a problem.... But I don't know if I am willing to give up over-eating and high sugar consumption though! Maybe when I'm sick I'll never use my brain and move out of this air pollution. Oh, and I could go without covering my head while I sleep I suppose. There thats only half of them. In order to get more sleep I'm gonna have to quit college and never have a family. Not worth it. But really.

I need to tell my professors I have brain damage and that they should unfail my tests for me :) That'd be super!! Really though.
How many of YOU have brain damage?!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

when did your heart go jimmered...

No I'm not kidding, last night was the best night ever. Why? Because me and The Jimmer held hands. And it was magical. Maybe not for him, but I think I almost passed out/peed a little.

Here's the story.
So saturday night the BYU basketball team flew into the Provo airport. So OF COURSE I had to go and greet them being the huge cougar fan I am... :)
We got there and stood in the sprinkling rain for like 40 minutes. LET ME TELL YOU. It was worth every minute!!

These are some colony peeps we saw there.

This would be the lovely camera man. He is loved us... AND PUT US ON TV. No joke
So maybe just maybe I touched every bball players hand that walked by. It was so fun, andddd I was screaming my lungs out!!!
this is us and Abuou.
Val was a lucky duck and got a picture with Davies, but sadly we got separated...

Lastly, WE MADE IT ON TV!!!! Here are some screenshots I took of the video...

this is RIGHT after he grabbed my hand. Oh my goodness. So great!!

yeah, watch this video. I am in it twice. At .56 and 1.40.

Video Courtesy of KSL.com

I'm basically a movie star. And me and jimmer are in love. It's real :)

Best night ever.

weekend warrior.

Oh my goodness, this was a great weekend. Picture time.

Val made us go to the prison/insane asylum in the dead of night. It was freaking scary.

then we got Yogurtland to make up for it. Who knew yogurtland existed in Utah?! Best news ever.


someone crashed into the Colony sign...

we saw BYU demolish the Zags and thennn went and was The Young Embassadors. SO GOOD!

I think our only picture of all us roommies! I love them

basically summs up my weekend.

There is another post coming in apprroxxximately 10 minutes because the most greatest/wonderfullest/funnest thing EVER happened on saturday night. AND it deserves it's own post.
But this weekend was awesome. I love my weekendds :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

friday friday friday!

Today is a great day!
2 great days in a row?! Wow... so great.
Last night was interesting though. Being the activites co-chair is definitely not the easiest calling ever, but i mean... It's fine. It was disastrously fun activity last night! Good thing I live in a great ward that is super easy-going or people would have left or something I'm sure. Oh well, people came, wore green and ate some food so life was good :)

Anyway, today is good day!
 No, not because the Geography TA's don't have hours on Friday.... 
(who doesn't have hours on friday?! There's like 5 of you guys!
But because I made some yummy food. Seriously. I stalk food blogs like it's my job and just am always wanting to make yummy dinners but I never seem to have the time! 
BUT today being the wonderful day it is allowed me some time to make some delicious pasta and cheesy potato things.


Delicious right?! Right! I have been craving some yummy creamy cheesy sauced pasta but am too cheap to buy cheese and cream at the store! But Smith's had a huge sale on cheese and I snagged myself some Parmesan cheese.Then I ran into the dilemma that basically every cream based sauce uses cream... and I didn't have any of that. BUT this amazing recipe right hurr uses cream cheese instead of heavy whipping cream! What, crazy! I know, it sounded a little weird and close to gross... but I decided to try it. And guess what! It was so great! Really, I think this works great in my little college budget! Well, except the cheese part... buts still!! Frozen peas, bacon, and that yummy cream sauce made with cream cheese... Oh so great! I highly recommend it. Plus, anything with bacon in it is just amazing.
Oh and the potatoes were easy cheesy. My mom made some similar all the time, and they are just great! Really, I love them. Super simple, super tasty, super great :)

Anyway. I hope everyone is partyin partyin partyin YEAH on their Friday. Which comes after Thursday.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I love today. I love seeing everyone walk around looking all festive in green. Why do we even celebrate St. Patrick's day? This isn't Ireland. Why not celebrate all of Switzerland holiday's too eh? Eh? I don't  know but it's great. A great day for a party! Like such as a ward party!! Come to it because we have millions of foods for every single body, errr... every single one of you!! Food for thought: I hate getting ready in the morning, but I love it when I do. Because then I feel all pretty, oh so pretty, for the rest of the day. I hope you are singing that song now! Anyway, today is going great because it started off with my favorite class ever and I already finished my American Heritage essay (holler.) and I am not starving because I made myself a lovely sandwich and I feel pretty. Such a great day is it not?! It is. and Feeling pretty makes every day a great day unless it rains on your feeling pretty self. That ruins it. And, let's just not think about the weekend, because it will be full of boring studying and failing tests. So there, I am done thinking about the weekend until tomorrow when it is the weekend. Tomorrow is Friday Friday Friday, gonna get down on Friidaayyy (oh, the most horrible song on the earth, and I am SURE most of you have heard it by now unless you have been living under a stupid rocks because it all up over the internet and the FB. So for those of you described above currently residing under rocks, I will post this video for you all to enjoy/laugh at. Except I am seriously considering NOT posting it because it will defile my blog, and we wouldn't want that now would we. I think it is time for me to get out of these parenthesis...) But to day is the day of green. And I love green. And the green grass that is growing outside my apartment. Love it. Spring is coming everyone. Springtime, flowers and happiness :)

Oh, and here is the song for all y'all. Super catchy, super bad. Lyrics, voice, cheesyness. Everything.
wow.. the troubles plaguing 13 year old children everywhere...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

made my day

Every tuesday I go to an elementary school and volunteer at a Kindergarten class. I don't love it, but it isn't the worst thing I have ever done. I think if the teacher wasn't so scary I would like it more! Seriously, she is the scariest kindergarten teacher ever. But I have definitely learned that... 
A. I don't want to be a kindergarten teacher... I can't treat people like they are kids all the time. It's just not me.
B. My kids WILL be smart. We will practice writing and reading at home and they will not be the slow ones who can't focus. I refuse.
And C. I cannot wait to have adorable little kids. Seriously. I hope they have big adroable eyes and cute little clothes on their cute little bodies. Ohh its going to be great :)

Anyway, today the kids were writing/coloring in their journals, and since they aren't the best at writing it can be pretty hilarious. But today my most favorite kid EVER wrote the greatest thing in his journal!! and I quote...

"sno foLen on My heD and rachool heD"

in case you don't read kindergarten it says "snow is falling on my head and on Rachel's head."
and then above it he drew our green bodies with purple snow on them and a blue hat. It was the cutest picture thing ever and my heart melted a little. He says I am his friend and tells me all about his life. It is wonderful.

Seriously, this kid is the cutest.

Pray for Japan.

Monday, March 14, 2011

happy birthday to the best mom ever!

Yep today is Pi Day. But most importantly today is my amazing mothers BIRTHDAY! My poor mothers birthday usually gets overlooked and under-celebrated due to the fact that we are almost always traveling on her birthday. It happens to always fall on the weekend before or right during spring break. BUT we all love her still. Yep she is just the best. She is the most self-less person I have ever met and she will probably spend her birthday in the Hospital with Tara getting her infection all checked out.
Growing up I never realized how much moms actually give up. Moms always get the butt of the bread, the last of the dessert or sometimes nothing at all so that the kids can have everything. My mom is the greatest mom ever. If you know her you are a witness that she does 5 million things at the same time and can think at a 100 miles an hour.
The older I get the more I hear, "Wow, she looks just like her mom" or "She is just like Becky" And those are 2 of the biggest compliments I can get. I am proud of the fact that i get my love for deserts from her and thrive off of having 20 million things to do. Actually, I really don't thrive off of that... but that's what happens :)
It's my moms birthday and she rocks. Give her a call and let her know how much you love her. Because you probably do. I have never met anyone who doesn't love my mother!

I know right, She doesn't look like a grandma...
I love my momma :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

If only...

It rained like this...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

what a weekend!

This week was crazy.
Really, school is definitely starting to get to me... it can be so overwhelming sometimes
But thankgoodness the weekends come to make everything all better!!

Friday:: My dearest Becca Hitchcock came to town!
We went to Zupas for lunch 
(oh my goodness so much tasty. If you have never been there, go now. It's fantastic.)
That night we went to her cousins wedding reception. It was darling and had some yummy punch and yogurt clusters with candied nuts/pretzels/marshmallows inside. Seriously, yogurt clusters are the bomb. I ate too many, thats for sure.

ZUPAS!!! I'm drooling thinking about this place.
don't you test these besties

My feet were hurting so unbelievably bad because I murdered my toe.
and please don't judge my nastynast feet...
Yeah, I fell up the stairs to my apartment. Not only was it incredibly embarrassing. But it hurt too.

So after the reception I just couldn't do it anymore and had to take my shoe off. Heels and a torn up toe don't go too well... I may have looked like a complete idiot but ... Problem solved :)

I had an intermural game. So fun.
Went to Gma&Gpa Schlappi's and hung out with the family/watched BYU own wyoming. Such a great game.
Then we all got together like the good ol' days. 2 things.
1. Sammy's is delicious. I had never been there before... Oh yes.
2. I miss all these girls so much. High School was so great. and now we all have our own crazy lives and never see eachother. So this was a great and much needed night.

So happy together again :)
Anyway, I love my weekends. They really save my life
AND I have had the best weekends lately.
Seriously, lets think about my past weekends
I went home, then Disneyland, last weekend Drew came to town AND I went to the ice castles, this weekend BECCA was here. Hallelujah and THIS weekend I am going to Vegas for the tournament and to see my wonderful family.
Woah baby. 

What a wonderful life :)