"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Alka grosszer plus

So I currently have a cold. I know right? What even is a cold and since when did I, Rachel Schlappi, even get them/get sick in general?
Yeah, I don't
I mean I go through a miserable winter where it's -500 degrees outside and am healthy as can be. And now it's 115 outside and I get a cold... a cold! Meh, how weird.

But my throat feels like knives are cutting through it every time I speak or swallow, my nose is running faster than I have since I stopped working out, and my eyes are watering. What the, I have never had issues with my eyes!
Anyway, so last night at approx 11 in the pm I ask my all knowing mother what is wrong and how I can fix it.

So, she gives me some alka seltzer plus. But let me tell you, I am a first timer for that medicine and it is gross!! So I barely down the whole glass and then proceed 2 minutes later to throw up that whole glass of alka seltzer and my second dinner.
And you know how alka setlzer is like all bubbly and fuzzy? Yeah, my pizza came out all bubbly and fuzzy with. It was probably the weirdest experience ever.

I know, sue me, that was definitley too much information... But I'm telling you, if you don't have stomach problems, drink alka seltzer. Because it's gross.

Relationship, Women, Patience Quotes
my thoughts exactly.

Meet my new brother

Guys, this summer rocks. Not only because I am not nearly as bored as I had originally thought I would be, and not because this heat isn't bothering me nearly as much as it should be... BUT because I gained a new awesome brother that pretty much completes our family.
Meet Jerod Destories.

This kid is seriosuly so great! He moved out of his house to be able to get baptised and ended up moving in with us. I had seen him around at Mountain View, knew he was such a nice kid and that every girl pretty much loved him, but other than that, no one in my family besides my dad and myself even knew who he was.
But there I was, sitting at Les Miserables on a tuesday night and I got a text message from my dad telling me that I needed to move out of my room and into moms sewing room so that Jerod could move in. That night! It was madness.

And since he moved in, life has been great!! He is so awesome and seriously he makes the rest of us look like bad children. And my mom loves him. He is always willing to do dishes, he does chores like no bodies business, plays games with my mom (that MUST be the reason she loves Jerod so much...) and is always happy. I'm not joking, ALWAYS. We call him the happy bird. Tara and I ask him when he is going to stop being so polite, but I don't think he ever will. He is defintely the new favorite child. But it's okay because we all love him :)

Well actually, everyone loves Jerod. People are always asking my mom how she got so lucky as to get Jerod to come live with us, and seriously, we are so lucky! He and Nate have become the best of buds and stay up late  every night doing the most random things. It's comical actually. AND he is a saint for even putting up with us Schlappis! Because we are in no way a perfect family.

Anyway, Jerod is awesome. He is funny, and we love having him around.

This picture is right before his baptism on the 18th. Jerod had gotten his wisdom teeth out a few days before and he was just able to start eating real food again. So we ate some good ol' Mexican food at Tia Rosas. Oh Yes.
Sooo for all of you who don't know my whole family, Jerod is the one next to me and my little brother Nate-dawg. He looks like he could be one of us yeah? Well, except his eyes, he isn't cursed with the squinty schlappi eyes. Lucky guy.
But he's got the hair color. And the build!
So yeah, we like to think that he we look like we could be siblings :)

Anyway, now you all know about my new brother. He is great, and we love having him around!

Monday, June 27, 2011


It is  currently 116 degrees outside.

Welcome to Mesa Arizona.

I hate to be lame and blog about the weather... But it's a real thing!

But really, I have been confused in my brain as to why the heat has not been bothering me as much as I anticipated...
Except today, I really could not even touch my steering wheel. So that did bother me a bit. BUT it's okay becuase i have a super simple solution... Oven Mitts!!

And yes, I'm serious.
Safety first. If the only way to put on my seatbelt and drive is with oven mitts, I'll do it I tell you, I will.

But it's smokin' hott out there guys... Enjoy it!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Remember when "Talk to the hand" was the diss of all disses?
Remember how boys had cooties and life and all you had to worry about was how many goals you scored at your soccer game that day?
Remember when the only thing standing in your way of freedom was the hour of piano haunting you?
And, remember... back in the day... where the only way that people  hurt you is by calling you a nerd or cutting you in line??

Yeah, take me back... I miss that simplicity of life. I miss having a crush on a boy and being to shy to even stand near him. I miss loving school and playing house. I miss being care-free.

K-6 were definitely my glory days. Lets go back to when I was faster than all the boys and had no cares in the world.... and back to those killer glasses and bangs :)

Ha, I miss these days.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

...story of my life.

Just old silly hearts

As we all know, yesterday was kinda a crappy day. And I was grumpy. So I get myself out of my grumpy mood I climbed  into bed at 10 pm and literally fell asleep 5 minutes later. It was lovely. But seroiously, everybody should go to bed that early every night of their lives, because it is the best ever!!
So I woke up after getting 8+ hours of sleep and took about half an hour to convince myself that it was going to be a good day toady. And guess what! IT WILL! I just know it. I may be here at work, when I would rather be home by the pool reading a good book, but it's all good. I don't know why, but today seems like it's going to be a great day... name that youtube video!!!

Just because life isn't turning out the way you want, doesn't mean it won't become sometihng beautiful :)

PS... I got a my hairs all cut last night! Hasta la Vista Split ends!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

it just doesn't get better than this.

today was definitely one of those days folks.

I drove for and hour and a half to eat at IHOP... it should have taken us 30 minutes
I used a quarter of a tank of gas.
I broke a 3 week old computer.
I made -80 bucks.
Got lost in Scottsdale again for an hour.

Sounds like a real winner of a day yeah? And it just keeps getting better...

On the positive side, I did get to eat with my good ol' Uncle Mike!!
And, I wasn't bored all day like usual... just broke expensive things. No big deal.

But, last night I went to hear my Uncle Mike speak in Scottsdale, and he is incredible!! So because of his motivating speech, I am going to stop moping around about my never ending horrible day and be happy!!!

Because life is good.
And, I'm allowed to have a bad day
...as long as it doesn't turn into a bad week, or a bad month though... right mike??

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Big Papi

FYI, my dad is the best dad. I could write some long essay about how amazing he is, but I think I'll spare you...

But really, he is incredible. I don't know one human being that doesn't completely love and have so much respect for my dad. He is the most supportive father ever and I know he would pretty much do just about anything for me.
Oh man, I just really love my dad and he definitely makes it clear that he just wants whats best for his little girl.

...and I'll always be his little girl :)

Thanks dad for being just, amazing.

Friday, June 17, 2011

ps, these guys are my hero's

STUCK from Joe Ayala on Vimeo.

these two guys were stuck at the airport late at night alone... they documented their adventures and made this hilarious video.

Lets just say... going crazy at an airport late at night is now on my bucket list :)

"What am I supposed to do without my cellll phooone!"

Name that movie!!! But really, name it. Big props to anyone who can.

So lately, aka these past 3 days... I have been on the phone a lot for work. Calling all the licensing and contracting boards for basically every state in the world... err... United States. And honestly at first, I was shaking on the phone I was so scared. Seriously, shaking. And if it went to the voicemail I would just hang up. And I would avoid calling these states like the plague. I would do everything else I had to do at work before ever calling anyone. BUT guess what homies!! I am not afriad! I actually enjoy it. Pretty much everyone I talk to on the phone is just so nice and willing to help. They are not intimidating so I don't get scared. Well... and if there was an option to call a guy instead a girl, I called the girl :) Sexist? Probabaly. But I'm okay withi it. So basically I enjoy talking to nice people that I have never met with a cool accent on the phone. Seriosly, I just called like Mississippi, Georgia, North and South Carolina, and all those states and all the ladies I talked to had southern accents. It was amazing and I loved it. **ps... I just got off the phone with some lady in Florida, Oh, Betty... and people are so nice there! Seriously, I could move there. Yep.

Anyway, moral of the story is that I am not afraid of calling people for work any more! It's fun, and I like it even though sometimes I am bad at speaking in professional businessy words... but that's okay right?!

I did that today :)
 Also, I pretty much love getting voicemails too... but mostly just funny ones from friends. They're definitely 5amilliontimes better than a text message if youre askin' me... :)


andddd calling strangers on the telephone :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Just a shot in the dark...

that you might be the one I've been waiting for my whole life.


Don't tell me that no one else feels this way... Because seriously this is how I feel. And sometimes I just wish I knew what I would be doing and where I will be in 2 years. 2 years! Will I still be at BYU? On a misison? Marriaged?

Who Knows....

Tomorrow is Friday!! Which means... the next day is SATURDAY!!! Which meansss.... JEROD IS GETTING BAPTISED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, I am so happy.

PPS... I just realized you probably don't know who Jerod is. Well, that is a post in the making :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

You GUYS!!!


I just did something right! Something great!! Something AMAZING!!! Okay, not really... but really!!
I am excited.

Because at work I get bored. And at work I am *gasp* afraid of making phone calls in fear of screwing things up. And at work this project I have been working on has been getting pretty complicated because some people that don't work here anymore were inconsistant and it is frustrating!
Anyway, moral of the story. I fixed something. Made something all better. Made Telgian look like a more responsible company.

Seriously though.

This minute made these last 2 boring and stressful hours of work worth it! Maybe... but now it's back to work. Because I still have 49 states to call... gah!

                                                                                                                                   ... I think I will :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

puppy love

I hate it when weekends end. I mean for reals, when my alarm went off this morning I was so confused because I was convinced that this weekend needed to be longer.
Anywho. This weekend was seriously, CRAZY.

It consisted of
3 wedding receptions. Talk writting. Tara having a seizure. Giving a talk. Saying goodbye to Josh Richards for 2 years. An INCREDIBLE fireside. and nertz.
Pretty crazy weekend I'd say.

But the fireside I went to last night was seriously AMAZING. No lie. A choir of Polynesians came all the way from LA to sing to us. And oh myyy goodness. I am in love with all of them. They had so much power and incredible songs and voices. Wow. My cheecks were hurting from smiling for so long. I am ohh so glad we sat in the first row :)

And last night I got to play with the Bodrero's cute poppy Bo. Seirously, he is adorable. And I'm convinced that if some random dude asked me to marry him with a puppy there is no way I could say no. Puppies are the best. Oh man.
PS. Don't judge the camera phone quality of this picture...

But, i don't think I love puppies nearly as much as this chick loves cats.

Seriously, watch this. It's so worth the 2 minutes and 34 seconds of your life that you won't get back.
Bahahaha.... this girl is a crack up.

PS, Happy monday!! Today has been an unusally good monday for me so far :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I'm not nervous... what?

I am speaking in church today. I am nervous beyond all belief. I am nervous that I will make a fool out of my self and speak fast and say really embarrassing things and phrases. I don't speak well or make sense in every day life let alone in public in front of like 5 million people.. And my tummy is all nervous inside. I have been trying really hard to convince myself that I am not nervous and that I am going to be amazing, but who am I kidding!! I just.. I just... am scared.
But oh well. I just need to get it over with.
And, I may or may not have just finished my talk... uhh... yeah. That adds to my nervousness.
AND my talk is bullet pointed. Not written out for me to say exactly what I want to. That means there is lots of room and places for me to screw up.


I AM GOING TO DO SO GREAT!!! And plus, In 80 years, I will not even remember this. So hakuna matata. Calm it down Rachel.

The end.

... ps, thanks for hearing me out.
I needed that...

Friday, June 10, 2011


So here is the deal. I am on the computer all day erry day at work. Which results in me blogging at work and not at home. I know, I am a horrible person for bloggin instead of working... Except not really because it takes me a grand total of like 5 minutes to post something. Yes, should take my time and proof read and you know, care about how well I am writting and things, but I don't/kinda do/don't...
Wait, why am I saying this. I forget.
OH! Okay,  moral of me rambling on and on about how I blog at work....
Because of the fact that I blog at work, I can't ever put pictures up of my life because those are on my lapytop at home. The End :)
Whew! That was tough. Rambling should be my profession. I pretty much rock at it.

ALSO. I'm thinking... I'm diggin my new blog title. Your thoughts??
Well here are mine... Me gusta because, A) When I want to say story of my life, I feel weird beacuse it's like I already said it, in the title of me bloggy. And It's kinda not very original or different or special. Kinda blah. So I changed it to PS because I like it. And mostly because my brothers (especially Ryan) mock me all the time for saying PS before I say things :) So it's funny for me. And I like it. And it is my blog so that is all that matters right? Right.

Okay here: this will help up the boring factor of this post.
ps, why are mustaches "the thing" these days?
I'm not really into guys growing them.. and well sure they are funny for people to wear fake ones...
but what the? Mustaches? Is that really going to be one of the fads of our generation? Allllright....

So I decided in order to make my blog in with the crowd I must(ache) ha, follow the crowd
and put something or other mustache related in here somewhere :)

P.S... At work sometimes people put food on the table in the kitchen that they want to get rid of or want to share or something. Sometimes there is a bag full of day old pizza pretzels, or a box of pastry donuts, maybe a bag of apricots. But today there were 3 boxes of Girl Scout cookies!!! Seriously, best day ever. But the question is, who would ever want to get rid of Girl Scout Cookies?!? I would understand those sicknasty kinds... but Samoas and Thin mints basically rock my world.

Whatever, I'm okay with it.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

tonight, tonight!

Happy Thursday all!
There is something about Thursdays that I just like. Myabe it's because tomorrow is Friday which means on thing. WEEKEND! I love the weekend. You know what else I love? Les Miserables and Jean Valjeans amazing voice. Seriously, thanks moms for taking me. It was incredible. Also, finally pictures from the ward trip are up. I love them all soooo a picture post is coming soon :)

Also, my life is so great. I love it. Excepts I seriously wish Tara felt better... you know she doesn't feel good when she can only make it through one Cupcake Wars episode with me.

P.S... story of my life? Yep

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I'min love with the sky. Always. And this video just made me even more obsessed.
Oh my.

There are no words.

Monday, June 6, 2011

and I won't let you go...

I may or may not have been typing along to the best song ever whillist putting that title up there. Cause I will stand by you... I will fight your fight. I will hold you tight. PS, future husband. Sing this to  me? Okay great.

But lets talk about my week/weekend/amazing life. Kay? Kay.

Firstly, Monday was memorial day and awesome and I didn't have to go to work on Monday, I would definitely say it was only the longest work week ever. And I even took off half of Friday to go to a cabin with my singles ward. What? I don't want to be a professional scanner/engineering laws researcher for the rest of my life? Weird. Thank goodness this summer job is teaching me that I need to find sometihng I love and an education is awesome. Because not having an education = boring jobs. BUT I do appreciate the opportunity and am just grateful that I have a full time job. It is actually such a blessing. ANYWAY. Lets go back to the part where I took off work early on Friday because and THAT is where my life gets so great.

Some of us in the ward went up to Paysonish area for the weekend. It was great to get away and have nice weather, good company, and get to know people in the ward. Me and Lynz basically hung out with Josh and Derek the whole time and these two guys are goofs. But in only the greatest way of course. We had a blast together. We took way to many pictures, laughed too much and stayed up late. It was fantastic and I am pretty sure that I am glad that we are now friends :)

Also, I need to post the coolpix we took. Because they are some cool...pics. Ha. And Derek has an awesome camera. So those pictures will be on as soon and Derek puts those pictures on facebook so I can steal them! Theif

But this weekend was good.
Last night the family had a big yummy steak dinner for Travis because he is leaving on Tuesday for pretty much forever. He is going to North Carolina to get trained for Teach for America. It will be an awesome experience of course, but I am sure going to miss him. I loved having him up at the BYU with me all last year and now he will be all the way accross the country! Sad. And suuure I will see him over Christmas and for at Lake Powell this summer, but North Carolina just seems so far away. Oh well, I'm sure my over-achiever/super smart older brother will have the time of his life.

REAL Salt Lake game. I feel like we actually look like siblings in this picture :)
Got his degree in Chemical Engineering. What a smartie.
Anywho. Expect a detailed post about my weekend soon (hopefully...) And wish my awesome big brother luck while he adventures in the ghettos of North Carolina.