Happy monday everybody!! Let's all hope and pray that this week won't be as long I know it will be... is it Friday yet?! But really, all I can think about lately is Lake Powell in like 2 weeks...
lakepowelllakepowelllakepowell!!!!! The more I think about it, the longer the weeks get.. So I'll try my best to dig into these sales tax reports and not think about it :)
But this weekend? You want to hear about it, yes? Ha... well if you don't thats okay because I want to post about it anyway.
Friday: Grandpa and Grandma Schlappi came into town!!! Hallelujah, I love them! We spent Friday night playing games as a family and finished it off with the most boring movie ever. So I fell asleep on the floor.
Saturday: Got my car checked out. Thankkk you Brother Richardson for making my stress level go down!! Looks like the check engine light isn't always so scary after all... whew!! Then we went and saw the movie Soul Surfer. Have you seen it? Because you should. It's good. Suprisingly I cried like 4 tears... which was unexpected and I wasn't even aware that tears were coming out, but they were! So yes, it is a good movie. Watch it! Then I finished off the night with a super fun date that consisted of riding horses (
aka one of my most favorite things ever) homemade steaks (
another favorite...) and watching How to Train a Dragon... a very cute movie! And funny too. So watch that as well!
Sunday: Went to church. I seriously loved every meeting. It was one of those Sunday's ya know? It's like everything you need to hear. So it was awesome and I loved it. Sunday night we played more games as a fam and I went to bed early. I know, envy me... early bedtimes are probably the best thing since homemade steaks and going horseback riding :)
Wow. I know, talk about a great weekend! It was probably the ideal weekend... I had things going on so I wasn't bored... But I didn't feel like I had a million things to do like every other day/weekend.
So it was awesome, relaxing, and fun.
What more could you want?!
But now it's Monday, Gma and Gpa are gone.. and this week starts... unfortunately.
ps... sorry I don't like take a pictures of every little thing I see, do, or eat like other bloggers out there.
Actually, I take that back. I am not sorry because that bothers me :) I mean who cares what you ate for your 4 o clock snack every single day of your life? Not me. So yes. But 4th of July pictures will be up sometime... at least I want them to!
pps. I hope everyone else's weekend was just splendid as well!!