"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"

Thursday, July 21, 2011

crazy girl

I leave to Powell TOMORROW. Oh tomorrow, tomorrow, I sure do love you, tomorrow.

Stoked. So so stoked.

I can't even wait for all the family to be together having a grand ol' time. It's going to be wonderful

Also, my heart is torn. Torn I tell you!! I am so excited to go back up to provo... like you have no idea so excited... BUT i know I am just going to miss everyone down here. Aka my familia. But that's okay. Because I'll be so incredibly busy up in ptwon that the days will fly by. Right? Right.

Well yes. The more I tihnk about it, the more I can't wait for an unbelievably busy schedule and to be surrounded by people I am sure I will come to love! So excited!

ps, I can't wait for that ^^ to happen to me :)

oohh lake powell.. here I come :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It'll kill ya...

Ohheyy. So I definitely cannot move for the life of me. Last night I played soccer/did physical activity for the first time in a looong time! I knew I was in for trouble, but I didn't know I would be this sore... Oy... Anyway so I played some coed soccer last night, just played on a randome league that needed more girls and it was fun! Seriously, soccer is the best. Always and forever.

So on this coed team I met some of the most interesting people ever there... Specifically, Felipe. Or as the ref guy called him... Flip-a.
Now, Felipe is quite the guy... Sheridan-dan told me he was interesting, but I wasn't quite sure what to expect. Well, this is felipe: He puts his water in a Jack Daniels bottle, and smokes. Now he doesn't smoke like a normal smoker. No, he smokes A LOT. He smokes before, after, and always inbetween the game. I mean really, he would get subbed out, smoke for maybe 5 minutes, then go back in. I honestly don't know how he plays soccer while smoking. That is insaaane!!! So much smoking. I bet his lungs are about ready to give up on him...

ALSO  last night I basically almost had a goal that was abby wombach status!! NO LIE. But the stinking crossbar stole it from me. It would have been one of the most beautiful header goals of my life, perfectly placed... the keeper wouldn't have had a prayer... BUT the stinking crossbar stopped it for him. So close, but yet soo far.

Good thing we still won :)
Anyway, soccer is great. It brings people together. liiiike Sheridan, Em, Diamond, and I... Who I seriously miss so much. So last night was great, and I highly recommend getting together with people you havent seen in a while and do something you havent done in a while! It's happy :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

4th of July Weekend

I know, I am aware that the 4th of July was like a year ago... but Becky finally put the pictures up on Facebook so I could steal them :)

4th of July spent with some of my most favorite peoples :)
Me, T, Shawn-Hee, Becky, Jamie, and Jess.
Love them all
we missed the fireworks so me made our own. and took ridiculous picture like this! I don't actually remember what this picture is all about. Except SIDENOTE, why the heck am I so white?! I like in Mesa Stinking Arizona!
I need to quit my job and swim all day every day. Simple solution :)
oh heyy shauni!

we also went shopping and Tara was trying to teach us how to be models... obviously she is the best at it.
and I fail.
Are we even related?!

Ha, while we were shopping we went into Victoria's Secret... we may have been in there longer than planned having way to much fun at the make up stand... I went in there wearing little to no makeup and came out wearing so much I felt plastic, or like a barbie or something... How do people do it?!
Anyway, the end of my 4th of July. We LOVED having Becky in town and she needs to come back... soon! Or move here, either way :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I just can't help myself...

I don't think I am ready for this to end...

Happy Rotter

You guys... HARRY POTTER!!! TONIGHT!!!!!!

And yes, I am going to the midnight showing... originally I was like nah, I won't go... I don't want to be tired for work... blah blah blah, excuses excuses... but I decided you know what? No. I gotta go... I waited for every book then read them with in 24 hours... I grew up on Harry Potter! I lived Harry Potter, I love Harry Potter!  I gotta go to the last midnight showing ever!!! And it will porbably be the last midnight showing I ever go to because well, I'm not a huge fan of them to be honest. But I am going. I AM. And I don't even care if I am a zombie at work. Psh...

I'm so excited.

So SO excited. I'm dressing up as Narcissa Malfoy, you know, Draco's mom? You know the one who lies to Voldemort at the end of the movie to save Harry's life? The one who loves her son and family more than anything else? I mean maybe she is bad for like all of the books, but she is secretly good. So I'm okay with it. So. Stoked. except for the fact that I am dressing up... and i don't dress up...



but oh so sad my childhood is coming to a close...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


It's wednesday folks!!
Remember how I thought this would be the longest week of my life?

Welllllll I lied...

Because it still feels like monday.... :)
What a wonderful week!


I'm only a litttttle excited ;)

Monday, July 11, 2011

peek into the week{end}

Happy monday everybody!! Let's all hope and pray that this week won't be as long I know it will be... is it Friday yet?! But really, all I can think about lately is Lake Powell in like 2 weeks... lakepowelllakepowelllakepowell!!!!! The more I think about it, the longer the weeks get.. So I'll try my best to dig into these sales tax reports and not think about it :)

But this weekend? You want to hear about it, yes? Ha... well if you don't thats okay because I want to post about it anyway.

Friday: Grandpa and Grandma Schlappi came into town!!! Hallelujah, I love them! We spent Friday night playing games as a family and finished it off with the most boring movie ever. So I fell asleep on the floor.

Saturday: Got my car checked out. Thankkk you Brother Richardson for making my stress level go down!! Looks like the check engine light isn't always so scary after all... whew!! Then we went and saw the movie Soul Surfer. Have you seen it? Because you should. It's good. Suprisingly I cried like 4 tears... which was unexpected and I wasn't even aware that tears were coming out, but they were! So yes, it is a good movie. Watch it! Then I finished off the night with a super fun date that consisted of riding horses (aka one of my most favorite things ever) homemade steaks (another favorite...) and watching How to Train a Dragon... a very cute movie! And funny too. So watch that as well!

Sunday: Went to church. I seriously loved every meeting. It was one of those Sunday's ya know? It's like everything you need to hear. So it was awesome and I loved it. Sunday night we played more games as a fam and I went to bed early. I know, envy me... early bedtimes are probably the best thing since homemade steaks and going horseback riding :)

Wow. I know, talk about a great weekend! It was probably the ideal weekend... I had things going on so I wasn't bored... But I didn't feel like I had a million things to do like every other day/weekend.
So it was awesome, relaxing, and fun.
What more could you want?!
But now it's Monday, Gma and Gpa are gone.. and this week starts... unfortunately.

ps... sorry I don't like take a pictures of every little thing I see, do, or eat like other bloggers out there.
Actually, I take that back. I am not sorry because that bothers me :) I mean who cares what you ate for your 4 o clock snack every single day of your life? Not me. So yes. But 4th of July pictures will be up sometime... at least I want them to!

pps. I hope everyone else's weekend was just splendid as well!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Summer Loves

* Mesa *

* sunshine *

* ice cream *

* Masterchef *

* country music *

* late night swims *

* spending time with Ter *

* sleeping with the fan on high *

ps, life is good :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July weekend


Well, the 4th of July has come and gone... Good thing this years was better than the last! I spent my holiday with good company and although it was not the most eventful, I'm just grateful I had the day off work. I got to relax, not stress, and have a good time :) I mean, what more could you want! The first part of my weekend was consumed by spending time at the hospital with Tara, but she came home on Saturday night and that is when the party started!!
Tara's good friend Becky Lee flew down for the weekend! Talk about a pleasant surprise!!! I love her. So stinking much.
But Sunday night, probably was the best night of my life. I definitely beat Mom at Nertz by 47 points!!!!! Seriously, can you believe that?! No way. I never ever win at Nertz! Especially against my own mother. Wow, I am still on a high from that :) But Momma isn't too happy about it! Haha.

And Monday was spent shopping with Tara, Shauni, and Becky. It only lasted for 2 hours because Tara jussst had surgery and isn't feeling 100% just quite yet, shocker I know... haha... But I was okay with it. I'm not a huge shopping fan anyway. But we had a blast, and pictures will prove that at a later time... ;) Anway, so we came home, watched NCIS, and took a nap before heading off to a nieghborhood BBQ.

It was a great day I think. No stress... and got to spend time with Tara, Becky, and Shauni. I love all those girls and it was great day!

PS... picture will be up soon!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

longest week of my life

Let's talk about how this past week seriously was so long! Not like I hated this week... But seriously Monday-Wednesday legitimately feel like they were a whole week long LAST week and Thursday-now seem like a whole week by themselves. Seriuosly it feels like so long ago since I saw the movie 17 Miracles, but, it was tuesday. What the, my mind is freaking out.
So lets talk about my ridiculous life.

Monday... I can't even remember... Oh wait! FHE at the Peterson's. Don't even tell me that wasn't like a month ago. Tuesday saw the movie 17 Miracles! Oh my, if you didn't get to see it, I'm really sorry because it was amazing. And I may or may not have cried 5 tears. Also we found out Tara needed surgery tomorrow... Wednesday... Tara goes in for surgery. I take off work and spend the day with her. I also had a nasty cold so I felt like crap. I also had a super great date and ate some amazing Spanish food. Seriously, go eat Spanish food. It's so good! Then I went back to the hospital. Thursday, I am still sicky and spend the day at the hospital again. I am there allll day and spend the night there as well. Friday, Still sick. I go to work though finally but leave at noon because I feel like crap and no one wants me to get them sick. Saturday, did nothing.

Okay, if you read that whole thing. Props. But seriously, this week was crazy! Maddness I tell you...madness.

So much happened, and now tomorrow is the 4th of July! Holler. At least this year it isn't on a Sunday so I get an extra day off work :)

Also, Tara is home from the hospital!!! Finally. Check her blog for more details because I am so done with blogging... taraschlappi.bloggspot.com

ps... I think I need to make this cake...