"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


seen on the 4th floor of the HBLL...
Looks like finals week is getting to that guy...
Welp, finals week is half over at the Brigham Young University. It's about this time when crazy things start happening... I still remember sitting in the computer labs my first semester here and witnessing the girl next to me start shaking and then pass out on the keyboard. Yes, she legitimately passed out. It was kinda scary actually. According to the medical people it happens all the time during finals week though... so, don't worry :)

But I have successfully finished 3 finals!! Wa.hoo. I just came out of one where I got EXACTLY what I needed to keep my 94% (BYU uses A minus's and I hate it.) I could miss 10 questions to keep my A, and you better believe I did just that! Such an amazing feeling. Want to know a not-so-amazing feeling?? I still have 2 finals left. One of them being STATS. And I gotta take them both tomorrow.


Looks like my time here is done blog. Aaaand back to studying.

Monday, December 12, 2011


I just successfully used all the ink out of a pen... I'm fairly confident that this is the first time this has ever happened to me. Wa.hoo. Oh I sure do love finals! So what do I do? Take a break from my note cards and  blog instead. 
What a wonderful solution.

But remember that one time last week I stayed up until 6 in the a.m. working on a group project? 
And then woke up 1 hour and 10 minutes later to go to class??
Yeahhh. Me neither. 
I don't know how I am still alive. 
Probably because I got 11.5 hours of sleep the next night. 
Thank goodness.

Remember that other time that me and Nate went to Salt Lake 3 times 2 weeks ago? 
That was fun!
We love
*The Pie*
*Temple Lights*
*3rd row seats to BYU basketball games (go cougs)*
*Pat's BBQ (as seen on Diners Drive-ins and Dives. Oh yes.)*
*Christmas Devotionals*

sadly we only got pictures at the Christmas devotional. 
Which was wonderful p.s.

Yeah, I know, We are just the most good-looking people out there. It's a real thing :) I had to restrain myself from posting everyyy picture we took. So I just put half of them! I just can't help it.

But good thing 2 weeks ago was so great, because these past two weeks have been consumed by finals and um, studying for them.

BUT come friday I am off to the Pirates of the Caribbean to spend a week cruising around with my lovely family.
Some sunshine and warmth will be much appreciated after this week :)

Well, study break over.

Happy Finals Week everyone!!!!