Has it really been for months since I have blogged?
Have I really been married for 6 months?
It's true folks. Once you get married you fall of the face of the earth. Or well... I do.
Here's to a my junior year at the BYU.
Here's good grades and late nights.
Time flies when you are having fun...
Promise I'll try to bring this blog back to life... eventually!
"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"
Friday, August 31, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
the bridals
I got an "anonymous" comment the other day wondering when I would post my wedding pictures. I say "anonymous" because it is either
A) someone who is legitimately anonymous or
B) a family member, friend, or acquiescence that doesn't want to seem so antsy to see my wedding pictures because they know they will be super-great-awesome.
But the reason I have neglected this blog and the posting of the wedding pictures is because getting married in the middle of the semester does something to ya. Things like make you incredibly behind in all things school and you don't catch up on all things school until it is oh, finals week. Aka now. But, I need a break from studying so finally I can get around to posting!! there were approx. 1,000 pictures so, I'll narrow it down for you and split them into two posts. The bridals and the wedding day.
We will start with the pictures we had taken a month before the wedding. Yes, he did see me in the dress before the day. Sue me. But planning a wedding that will be taking place in Arizona while residing in Utah is not the easiest thing...
Also, you should love me because I narrowed down my 150 favorites of the 400 pictures down to 29 pictures for you all.
You are welcome.
Now maybe someday I will do a collection of posts about how we met, fell in love, and our wedding day... but that day is certainly not today, or this week. Possibly this summer, but no promises.... This summer will be a busy one, filled with 40 hour work weeks and 4 online classes!
Oh boy, sooo excited. Except, all sarcasm aside, I really am!! Hot weather and tons of family. What could be better?
Besides marrying my best friend, not much.
ps, if you want to see more pictures, go to the album I created on facebook.com... right HERE
A) someone who is legitimately anonymous or
B) a family member, friend, or acquiescence that doesn't want to seem so antsy to see my wedding pictures because they know they will be super-great-awesome.
But the reason I have neglected this blog and the posting of the wedding pictures is because getting married in the middle of the semester does something to ya. Things like make you incredibly behind in all things school and you don't catch up on all things school until it is oh, finals week. Aka now. But, I need a break from studying so finally I can get around to posting!! there were approx. 1,000 pictures so, I'll narrow it down for you and split them into two posts. The bridals and the wedding day.
We will start with the pictures we had taken a month before the wedding. Yes, he did see me in the dress before the day. Sue me. But planning a wedding that will be taking place in Arizona while residing in Utah is not the easiest thing...
Also, you should love me because I narrowed down my 150 favorites of the 400 pictures down to 29 pictures for you all.
You are welcome.
Now maybe someday I will do a collection of posts about how we met, fell in love, and our wedding day... but that day is certainly not today, or this week. Possibly this summer, but no promises.... This summer will be a busy one, filled with 40 hour work weeks and 4 online classes!
Oh boy, sooo excited. Except, all sarcasm aside, I really am!! Hot weather and tons of family. What could be better?
Besides marrying my best friend, not much.
ps, if you want to see more pictures, go to the album I created on facebook.com... right HERE
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Winner winner 5 course dinner
Cost of filing out my bracket - 5 minutes
Time spent actually watching the games - 2 hours
Prize for being picked out of the top 1% - 10,000 big ones
Feeling of beating my dad, brothers, and husband in their favorite tournament of the year... Priceless
Last night ended one of the greatest NCAA bball tournaments ever. Well, I may be biased, but it was wonderful for my bracket :)
But, guess who is in the top 1% in the March Maddness tournament! Let me correct that, top .4% of the nation! This girl right here.
Now everyone cross your fingers that I get picked for that 10,000 prize :)
I can't believe I beat my brothers, the ESPN.com fanatics, in their favorite event of the year.. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if ESPN was their homepage. I don't think I have beat them in anything in my life, especially at something they love so much. Basketball.
Also my husband and I made a bet that the loser between the two of us has to make the other a 5 course meal.
Guess who picked Duke to win it all?? That's right. He did.
Guess who gets a 5 course, 5 star meal?? This girl right here. Thanks Kentucky for pulling through!
Monday, April 2, 2012
I am back on the blogging train! For good, I promise! Well, maybe in 2 weeks once finals are out of my life. But it has been far too long since I blogged so I thought I would give you a little sneak peak into my lovely life as of lately.
Well, time to catch up on that sleep I am all too often deprived of...
over and out.
- I haven't showered since Friday. Looks like this girl needs to learn how to unclog a drain.
- I somehow managed to burn and undercook the chicken for dinner tonight. Best wife award over here. Black outsides and a pink center. I'm going to poison my husband on accident one of these days...
- I don't even qualify to take the anatomy class at the local community college, but somehow am perfectly eligible to take it here at the Y. Stillll trying to find a loophole...
- Got 3 hours of sleep because of my mad procrastination skills. Finals month is here everyone.
- These. And the amount I consumed this weekend. Give me a tall glass of milk with those peanut butter oreo cookies and I am set for life... or, the weekend...
- My wedding pictures have FINALLY arrived in the mail! Now I just need to go
over the river and through the woodsto my lovely grandmothers house to get them! So excited to spend countless hours of this next week (that I don't have) looking through them again, and again, and again... - That research paper that kept me up all night? Finished it with 3 minutes to spare...
- March Madness. Enough said.
- Being married. Yep, best thing I have done all semester.
Well, that dreaded finals month is here I think I have been hit with the end of semester blues. All these projects and research papers are piling up and I swear I thought I had at least another month to do them all!! Right? Where did the time go...?
Well, time to catch up on that sleep I am all too often deprived of...
over and out.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
practically 50
Happy pi day everyone!! This is the one day that people who don't like math, like math!! And I definitely fall into that category. I mean, pie is good. I just pretend everyone is celebrating the the tasty dessert (or breakfast) and not some nerdy number :) 3.14159ksdkdflasd...blah blah blah.
But most importantly... Happy Birthday to my lovely Mother!!!!!
We have been giving her a hard time for a while now about how she is "practically 50". She has been in denial for the past couple years that 50 was right around the corner, but hopefully she embraces her new life as a 50 year old today!!! And what better place to be 50 than in Hawaii (soo jealous) right?! Right...
Hawaii.... yep. Still can't stop thinking about it and how much I wish I was there.
Provo < Kauai
Anyway, here is one of those classic "50 things I love about my Mom" things for her 50th birthday of course!!
Ready? Go.
Well that's the end of my practically 50 things that I love about my mother. I'm sure I could have kept going, but I thought practically 50 was fitting :)
My mom truly is an incredible woman and I admire her more than she will ever know.
Happy Birthday Mom!!!
But most importantly... Happy Birthday to my lovely Mother!!!!!
We have been giving her a hard time for a while now about how she is "practically 50". She has been in denial for the past couple years that 50 was right around the corner, but hopefully she embraces her new life as a 50 year old today!!! And what better place to be 50 than in Hawaii (soo jealous) right?! Right...
Hawaii.... yep. Still can't stop thinking about it and how much I wish I was there.
Provo < Kauai
Anyway, here is one of those classic "50 things I love about my Mom" things for her 50th birthday of course!!
Ready? Go.
{practically} 50 things you may or may not know about Becky Schlappi.
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Look at that stunning 50 year old!! |
- You will never find a more genuine and kind person than my mother.
- My mom tells things how they are. No beating around the bush with this 50 year old!!
- My mom loves her kids and there is no denying that. We all know there is nothing she wouldn't do for her children, and we definitely don't deserve how great she is to all of us.
- My mom has the biggest sweet tooth. I definitely inherited that from her.
- Becky Schlappi is known for her wonderful blonde moments. We quote her on them frequently...
- "It's modest, it's just too short!"
- "It's not mean if it's true..."
- My mom puts up with us kids. We tease too much and give her a hard time daily. We shouldn't, but we do... Sorry mom! I really do love you!
- My mom loooves the beach. Which probably explains the spontaneous Hawaii trip for spring break. She get's that one from her dad.
- Now my mom isn't one of those let's-just-relax-at-the-beach-ers. Oh no. She loves boogie boarding and will go as far as asking little children if she can borrow their boogie board to go if she has forgotten hers. Also if she can't get anyone else to brave the cold water with her she will go out alone. She will not miss out on any prime time boogie boarding!
- Although my mom loves the beach, she is also a master snowmobiler and 4-wheeler. You should see her at the dunes.
- My mom loves to spoil her grandkids. Well, grandkid... Brigham is one spoiled dude!
- Becky is known to be doing 100,000 things at once. She is superwoman
- If mom ever thinks of someone she has to call, or something she has to do, it is done right then and there. Even if it is mid conversation, she will call to confirm a visiting teaching appointment
- My mom makes the most incredible quilts!! Nate and I just put the one she gave us on our bed and we are in love with it. Nate never knew he could like a quilt so much.
- My mom is a wallyballer. Yep. She will do anything and everything in her power to get me to go play with her. She also plays at least once a week with the ward... and don't you mess with my mom while playing wallyball, she is aggressive! Maybe I got that from her too... huh.. weird
- I love our annual "girls trips". My mom loves to take all her daughters out for a week once a year and spoils us rotten. It's wonderful.
- My mom taught me how to work. And how to work hard. There would be many mornings during the summer that I would wake up and see my mom outside with piles of yard work or out doing the lawn. She is definitely not afraid to get her nails dirty!
- I love that my mom loves the Lord. I love that I know that and that she has been a great example to me throughout my life. There have been many occasions where I would walk in on her kneeling in prayer next to her bed. Or wake up and see her studying her scriptures early in the morning. My mom is dedicated to the gospel and I love that.
- My mom loves vacations. Any and all vacations. It is not unusual to be on our way home from one vacation and all she talks about is what vacation we will be going on next.
- My mom is notorious for having secret spots for bags of treats so she can munch on them and this family of 7 wouldn't devour them in half an hour. Luckily I am really good at finding those spots... Like that one drawer in the laundry room... Or the side of her seat in the car. You could count on either finding Cinnamon Bears or those gross orange candy Circus Peanuts. I will never understand why she likes those...
- She and I are similar in that we both hate shopping. Once we went shopping for my Wedding Dinner dress and it was a nightmare. We were both ready to be done after 1 hour and unfortunately this little adventure took 2 days and almost 10 hours... We rewarded ourselves with some good food after. Like always. We love lunch
- I always remember as a kid that while shopping my mom she will stop in See's Candy's to get us all a free sample. Now that See's Candy's isn't in most malls anymore she will buy some mini pretzel bites to share as we shop. Classic.
- My mom had the funniest nick names for us kids growing up. She still calls my little brother Nate, Nate-Bug. He loves it, I'm sure.
- My mom loves to hike. She always would try to get me to hike with her, but I was a stubborn child and thought 4-wheeling was better. So I was a snob and wouldn't go hiking. Even in beautiful Sedona. I know regret that of course...
- My mom used to make matching clothes for Tara and I. It ranged from ruffly dresses to puffy paint shirts. Those were the days...
- My mom is the most beautiful piano player and an awesome piano teacher!! There isn't a piece you could put in from of her that she couldn't play... well, with a few exceptions... she may need to practice for an hour on those ones ;)
- My mom loves her FT (which means Family Time in Becky lingo). Don't you dare try and deprive her of her FT. It must be because she loves her family so much :)
- My mom is such a trusting person! She leaves the door unlocked and the keys in the car all the time... tells people to "just walk in!" if we aren't home. It hasn't come back to bite her too often... so that's good I guess!!
- My mom is the most supportive mother. I don't think she missed a soccer game or a pole vault meet of mine. She may have dragged her quilt along with her so she could work on it during her down time... but she always made sure she was there for me.
- She was my biggest cheerleader!! I have vivid memories or hearing her voice yelling - SCORE A GOAL!!! SHOOT! SCORE!! As I was back playing defense... those were some good times...
- My mom is one of the most active 50 year old's out there. Among playing wallyball weekly, to yoga, to swimming laps, and hiking as often as possible, she loves getting out and being active.
- My mom loves purple. I used to give her a hard time about it until a couple years ago when I started liking purple... whoops.
- My mom is smart. She is honestly one of the most quick and intelligent people you will meet! There isn't a thing that she can't figure out and do wonderfully.
- My mom is one of the most loving people. She honestly loves everyone she encounters and you can tell by the way she treats people.
- My mom love gelato!!! Seriously buy her gelato and she will love you forever. Except she already does love you according to #35. So buy her some and she love you more. Or take you to lunch!
- My mom loves to read. Especially books that have a little history in them. She loves learning and continuously tries to learn new things.
- My mom is as low-maintenance as it gets and she raised her daughters the same way. She doesn't need a gallon of make up or a weekly pedicure and manicure to look beautiful as her 50 year old self!
- My mom loves loves lovess games. Any and all games. Card games. Board games. You name it and she's in!! As a kid she would bribe me with a later curfew or even not having to do the dishes if I would play Settlers of Catan with her. No this is not a joke. My mom is obsessed with Settlers.
- Another game my mom is a complete fanatic about is Nertz! Nertz is a very high paced card game. My mom screams and hits other people a lot in Nertz.... another example of her competitive nature :)
- My mom has the prettiest blue eyes!! Unfortunately only my oldest brother Ryan inherited her beautiful eyes... but that's okay!
- My mom is hilarious. Not that she tells jokes, but she is just funny. Also, I love it when my mom laughs until she cries. It happens sometimes, and those times are some good times.
- My mom is one of the most generous and welcoming people. She will give all her time and her energy to help a friend out. She always tries to make people feel at home and loves having people over.
- My mom is great!!! Really. No mom will get as great as her. Maybe if I am half as great as she is someday... my kids will love me half as much as I love her :)
Love you mom!!!
The End.
Well that's the end of my practically 50 things that I love about my mother. I'm sure I could have kept going, but I thought practically 50 was fitting :)
My mom truly is an incredible woman and I admire her more than she will ever know.
Happy Birthday Mom!!!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Every Friday afternoon I volunteer at Scenic View Academy.
This is a place where adults with Autism can come live or just take day classes. The facility is wayy nice and this place pretty much rocks. It makes me love my friday's
Anyway. So today after the Social Skills class I volunteered in we were playing the game Do You Love Your Neighbor and somehow hoodies were brought up.
Then this man with Asperger's - pretty much the nicest human on the planet - asked what a hoodie was. Keep in mind he is like, 28 or something.
The conversation went a little like this -
This is a place where adults with Autism can come live or just take day classes. The facility is wayy nice and this place pretty much rocks. It makes me love my friday's
Anyway. So today after the Social Skills class I volunteered in we were playing the game Do You Love Your Neighbor and somehow hoodies were brought up.
Then this man with Asperger's - pretty much the nicest human on the planet - asked what a hoodie was. Keep in mind he is like, 28 or something.
The conversation went a little like this -
Nice Aspergers Man: "Wait, what is a hoodie?"
Beau: "It's just a jacket but with a hood. Like this."
NAM: "So what about ones with buttons? Are those called Butties? What about Zippies?"
HAHA. I died. Soo funny! I think it was more of a you-had-to-be-there situation because of the way he said it and his soft and innocent voice, but it was hilarious!!!!! So great.
I guess it really is a legitimate question and have never thought about that. I realized then how a lot of things in life I don't question and just accept. I've never questioned why things are called hoodies and why jackets are called zippies too... But I think I want to start calling them that :)
Anyway, it's interesting to see the way that adults with different degrees and forms of autism think... I really really enjoy working with them every week... especially playing scatterball!!! Best day ever.
I'll post about my wedding soon, promise!!! Because it was pretty much the best day in the life... and even that would be an understatemenyt
Monday, February 27, 2012
I'm married!!
and along with being married comes being super busy and a new last name!!
well... and a super awesome husband is part of the package deal too I suppose :)
So we'll see if I ever blog. Ever.
Maybe once we are all settled in and I am all caught up on school work I will...
aka, never.
But life is so good!
aand I'm off!
Rachel.... Anderson!
and along with being married comes being super busy and a new last name!!
well... and a super awesome husband is part of the package deal too I suppose :)
So we'll see if I ever blog. Ever.
Maybe once we are all settled in and I am all caught up on school work I will...
aka, never.
But life is so good!
aand I'm off!
Rachel.... Anderson!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Black History Month at the BYU
these are some of my fellow cougars...
How embarrassing.
And we attend a University?
College students are so smart...
But I have to admit... I wouldn't have been much better.
"50 cents" - hahaha
Sunday, February 5, 2012
The Engagements
On New Years Eve day we got our selves all pretty to take our engagement pictures. We planned on going to the Desert Botanical Gardens out by the Phoenix Zoo, but when we got there there was a sign on the fence saying it closed at 4. It was 4:05 when we pulled up... Soo we had to think of a backup plan all quick and just we went to some random park near the Zoo and used the entrance to the Zoo for a couple shots as well. We were more excited about taking our pictures at the botanical gardens... But the pictures ended up turning out great anyway!
Here's a few of our many favorites... and by a few, I mean 16 :) I just can't help it... This fiance of mine is just so handsome...
After we were done with the desert we headed out to Tempe Town Lake to grab some pictures with the sunset... These pictures turned out to be some of my most favorites.
Check out my photographer Stacey Kay! She was awesome and seriously soo fun to work with! She does a fabulous job and I am basically obsessed with every single one of our pictures.
13 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes, and 45 seconds until oh, you know, the best day of my life
Here's a few of our many favorites... and by a few, I mean 16 :) I just can't help it... This fiance of mine is just so handsome...
After we were done with the desert we headed out to Tempe Town Lake to grab some pictures with the sunset... These pictures turned out to be some of my most favorites.
Check out my photographer Stacey Kay! She was awesome and seriously soo fun to work with! She does a fabulous job and I am basically obsessed with every single one of our pictures.
13 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes, and 45 seconds until oh, you know, the best day of my life
Thursday, February 2, 2012
15 days, 12 hours, 1 minute, and 27 seconds!
This blog does have a writer, promise. Said writer just happens to be planning a wedding, hanging out with her wonderful fiance, working, and going to school... In that order as well I believe. Finals didn't kill me... I know that's what you all were thinking since I hadn't posted since finals week. It almost killed Mr.-Smarty-Pants-Fiance-in-Law-School though... Apparently law school makes their finals really hard or something. Who knew?
BUT only 15 days left until the big day!! I'm kinda reallllly excited.
But oh, yes I did in fact change this little blog's title... again... The Haps.
Yep. It is derived from "Hey gurrrrl, what's the haps!" Quote from the lovely roommate, Lynzi.
So The Haps it is... Until I feel like changing it again.
And there certainly have been a lot of "haps" since I last posted.
After finals I flew out to the beautiful Carribean to eat lots of good foods, order 5 desserts a night, relax on the beach and have a grand ol' time with the family. It was beautiful! I highly recommend cruises... especially in the Caribbean.. But I may be biased a little...
I got back to the 85205 at Midnight on Christmas Eve.
Christmas was wonderful. A week long party on the cruise and then coming home to just enjoy the happiness of Christmas. We ran back and forth between our families houses... but hey, at least we got 2 chirstmas dinners... :) Oh the joys of having our families live 2 miles away from eachother
I got Nate tickets to the Season opener of the Sun's game the day after Christmas! It was a great Christmas present if I say so myself :) Nate is a huge Sun's fan and basically worships Steve Nash. You think I'm kidding? Say something bad about good ol' Steve in front of Nate and he will proceed to tell you a hundred reasons why you are wrong :)
#4 Christmas Break
Well, it came and went way too fast and was filled with wedding planning and more wedding planning.
I was wedding planned out then and am BEYOND wedding planned out now.
I'm only getting married once. Weddings wear me out... (and that would be the understatement of the century...)
Winter Semester 2012
Well, here we are! I have been a super slacker on school work... it's kinda hard to balance being engaged, planning a wedding, working, volunteering (my major requires it each semester...), and balancing school work. But I'll make it! The wedding planning is almost done and Nate and I just want the wedding to be, oh, tomorrow. All these decisions on flowers, colors, guest book, bridesmaid dresses, alterations, food, cupcakes, etc. are getting old fast. But it's worth it! Right? Right...
15 days everyone... 15 days.
Did I mention only 15 days until I am married to the most amazing man in the whole world??
Oh, well it's 15 days and 11 hours now ;)
BUT only 15 days left until the big day!! I'm kinda reallllly excited.
But oh, yes I did in fact change this little blog's title... again... The Haps.
Yep. It is derived from "Hey gurrrrl, what's the haps!" Quote from the lovely roommate, Lynzi.
So The Haps it is... Until I feel like changing it again.
And there certainly have been a lot of "haps" since I last posted.
After finals I flew out to the beautiful Carribean to eat lots of good foods, order 5 desserts a night, relax on the beach and have a grand ol' time with the family. It was beautiful! I highly recommend cruises... especially in the Caribbean.. But I may be biased a little...
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I definitely missed Nate... and unfortunately there is no cell service in the Carribean. Weird. Which equals 8 days too many of zero communication between the two of us... |
I got back to the 85205 at Midnight on Christmas Eve.
Christmas was wonderful. A week long party on the cruise and then coming home to just enjoy the happiness of Christmas. We ran back and forth between our families houses... but hey, at least we got 2 chirstmas dinners... :) Oh the joys of having our families live 2 miles away from eachother
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Mom sewed us all new stockings! She made one for Nate cause he is part of the family now :) And I got little Nate some BYU gear. Go Cougs |
I got Nate tickets to the Season opener of the Sun's game the day after Christmas! It was a great Christmas present if I say so myself :) Nate is a huge Sun's fan and basically worships Steve Nash. You think I'm kidding? Say something bad about good ol' Steve in front of Nate and he will proceed to tell you a hundred reasons why you are wrong :)
#4 Christmas Break
Well, it came and went way too fast and was filled with wedding planning and more wedding planning.
I was wedding planned out then and am BEYOND wedding planned out now.
I'm only getting married once. Weddings wear me out... (and that would be the understatement of the century...)
Winter Semester 2012
Well, here we are! I have been a super slacker on school work... it's kinda hard to balance being engaged, planning a wedding, working, volunteering (my major requires it each semester...), and balancing school work. But I'll make it! The wedding planning is almost done and Nate and I just want the wedding to be, oh, tomorrow. All these decisions on flowers, colors, guest book, bridesmaid dresses, alterations, food, cupcakes, etc. are getting old fast. But it's worth it! Right? Right...
15 days everyone... 15 days.
Did I mention only 15 days until I am married to the most amazing man in the whole world??
Oh, well it's 15 days and 11 hours now ;)
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