so today my fish died. okay, so i should probably rephrase that. my FISHES died. sad huh.
and heres the story
so yesterday morning i go and buy 3 fish. they were Giant Danios i believe? im not sure.
so then during second hour with mrs wacko, i mean yacko... my group and i make our little ecosystem out of our 2 liter bottles juuust like everyone else's and then put our precious little 3 fish in there. cute.
and then later that night i go and buy 2 snails and a plant to put in there so the snails will eat the algae and the plants give them oxygen right? so they can live right?? yeah, i didn't want my little fishes to die. anywayyy so i go in early this morning only to find not just one, but ALL 3 of my fishies belly up. saddest sight i ever did see. really though. depressed. so i got all my supplies and made another little container ...aka 2, 2 liter bottles taped together.... instead of just 1, 2 liter bottle so they could have more room to swim. all that effort was in vain because they DIED. sad huh. so then during lunch i hurry on over to petsmart to go buy myself 2 female beta fish. yeah.... hopefully they live through the night. we'll see.
but yeah. who knew i would be so sad over the death of my fish??
hmm weird
R.I.P Nemo, Big Daddy, and Snoop. I loved you for the whole 24 hours i knew you... :(
"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
what an adventure
sooo Saturday night.
perfect night for a corn maze right??
or so i thought...
i have never ever even beeen to one before.
buuttt i wanted to!
buuttt i wanted to!
so i texted somes of my frizends and said hey, come over.
we can go to a corn maze!!!
we can go to a corn maze!!!
soo some people came to my house and we were off.
to never never land.
but really.
we picked this random place and apparently it was like,
45 minutes away??
45 minutes away??
yeah lame. and SO much gas.
anywho so we get there and i am confident that is was probably the sketchiest place everrr.
So... we left. for multiple reasons.
mostly because it was sketchy and we wouldn't have been home on time.
oh the blessings of curfews.
well once we got home.
and i may or may not have gotten flashed...
by the speeding cameras you nastyy
well i guess TechnicallY we didnt go home
we just went to tempe market place and spent like 7 dollars at Mojos.
mmm. pure bliss.
so the night wasnt all ruined.
ice cream can make almost any situation into a happy one.
and i love my friends.
so what if i had fun just driving around for 2 hours blasting music?? it was a blast if you think about it
just kind of a dissapointment with the whole
someone-is-going-to-kidnapp-me-inside-this-extreamly-sketchy corn maze deal
but other than that. good times and goood memories.
oh, and i bought 3 fish today :)
i hope they don't die....
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
stress times 10
dear College,
you, my friend, are stressing me out. big time.
like i havent even started you and you are stressing me out.
im still in high school!! gimme a breaak!!
seriously though
everything about you is stressing me out.
rooming, where to go, if i will even get in, being poor so i will need a job...
the list goes on and on
please, can you just be a little bit simpler?
that would be greatly appreciated.
love, (ehh... sometimes)
okay so college? sorry i just love blogging about it a lot lately but thats all that has been on my mind!
its stressful. like my essay? seriously?? i cant write to save my life, let alone my college career!! also, i need to be smarter. i try and i try but i just fail. gahh especially at the ACT. also, why cant all the dorms just be one man dorms. that would make my life less stressful. i mean wouldn't it make everyones less stressful?? yeah, i think so. also... cant they make the application process start like at least next semester?! i feel like i am already starting college next MONTH and its not even second semester yet!! ahhh. stress. i also already know i am going to have major withdrawals. okay so there are a lot of things that i will NOT miss about high school but there is also a whole bunch i will miss sooo so much. i cant handle it. i am getting depressed thinking about it. i need ice cream.
ha, i have a feeling i will definitely be gaining that freshman 15 :) hahah...
Monday, October 19, 2009
its a major problem.
seriously... its stressing me out. college? yeah, cant decide.
what to even study in college. not a clue.wahhh
okay so those are major things. not a huge deal. but the problem is that i cant ever decide on ANYTHING. okay so that's an overstatement. i mean i guess i can... just on some small things its ridiculous. seriously. like where should i eat. hmmm that will only take me half an hour to decide. also with my friends and i... we can neverrr decide who should drive. its not like anyone really cares and its not a huge deal but really... it takes us forever to decide. on both things. the eating dilemma and the driving dilemma. its great. we are all kind of indecisive. its a pronblem. but okay so i can only think of 2 things and i am reallllly indecisive about at the moment but i am confident there is more. i will probably think of them later. ha, that always happens to me.
its fantastic
its fantastic
oh and my indecisiveness at the present moment.
my blog title.
should it be little dilemmas (which i love)
story of my life (which is great too)
story of my life (which is great too)
ahh such a problem.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
sooo we all know the saying... Disneyland is the happiest place on earth? yeah. well i am here to testify of the validity of that statement. seriously. it is. anywho i just loved this break. chilis, tara getting a ticket from a grumpypants cop for taking a Uturn, DISNEYLAND, an 8 mile bike ride to a breakfast place that was closed, and not getting lost. yep. so fun. pictures?? i thinks yes.
so we started off our adventure with a very overpriced breakfast at IHOP. yeah, prices are double in Anaheim then they are here in good ol' mesa... 15 bucks for pancakes?? i think NOT
the happiest place on earth. for reals.
2 thumbs up for disneyland. okay 4
i miss her.
i love her
the schlappi family supports disneyland
fact: i was legitimately screaming in every picture
i always wanted one of these pictures...
don't believe our smiles. we HATED the ferris wheel
is your name mater too???
i wish i was a disney princess. someday...
it was probably one of the hardest bike rides i have ever ever been on. seriously. California loves hills. me, not so much

finalllyyyy we get to this gorgeous winery with this supposedly amazing breakfast. banana pancakes. yum. yeah. but i wouldn't know. we got there at 10:35. breakfast ended at 10:30. perfect

all in all i just loooveed disneyland. yeah. senior trip 2010. i am a major fan. we only got lost like 5 times getting there and 1 ticket. i'd say thats pretty good. anyways. i went to stake choir practice tonight and guess what. i get to sit right behind the pulpit. perfect. now i cant fall asleep/not pay attention EVER during stake conference next week. i mean not like i would try to... but you know..
october break is over now and i am sad. 1 quarter down and 3 left then my senior year is over. sad. now i am depressed. how about watching the other side of heaven? i think yes. okay. done deal. love youu all!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
It smells like october
yep. we did it... we laid our winter grass. and consequently... it smells like crap. but whatever it only took us like 4 HOURS. yeah Saturday was fantastic.... oh well thats what boring october is for. to smellll.
also, i desperately want to go to a corn maze/haunted house/funnnest things EVER!! really i do. take me there and i will be your best friend forever.
okay good plan
also, my camera is officially broken. i really want to cry. seriuosly. i am so extremely sad. my life is going undocumented. also right in time for disneyland on thursday. perfect, i wont have a freaking camera. AWESOME.
but yesterday i went to the zoo with my nephew!! that was an amazing blast of a time. yeah, weird. no pictures to show for it. i love the zoo and specially with little brig. he is adorable. and i love him a lot a lot a lot.
oh but wanna hear a funny storry??
ohhkay so saturday night was like the funnnnest night everr and so we were at big lots buying squirt guns {dont ask} and talia happened to have jacksons keys... so we run away and steal his car and drive to mcdonalds to get ice cream comes whilist jackson and christiaan are stuck. ha. we are funny right?? right. but we did get them some ice cream too, so we are really quite nice. but yeahhh...
sooo the funny part of the story is that i got pulled over.
yeah. i was freaking out. but the cop was nice and he didnt give me a ticket. i mean the only reason he pulled us over was because we had a light out anyyway. so it was nott a big deal. but i was definitely freaking out. it wasnt my car and KNOW i know its not illegal to drive someone elses car... but i was freaking out because i didnt know where the insurance and everything was. yeaaah... ha saturday was greaat.
sooo the funny part of the story is that i got pulled over.
yeah. i was freaking out. but the cop was nice and he didnt give me a ticket. i mean the only reason he pulled us over was because we had a light out anyyway. so it was nott a big deal. but i was definitely freaking out. it wasnt my car and KNOW i know its not illegal to drive someone elses car... but i was freaking out because i didnt know where the insurance and everything was. yeaaah... ha saturday was greaat.
and this morning i went to the temple! i love that place. really i do. and i saw my friend there! yeah he is amazing. maybe i should just do a whoole blog post about him. okay i will. today? 2 post in one day? yes. okay just wait to hear the life story of one of my favorite people... :)
but yeah. if anyone knows how to fix cameras or knows anyone who knows how to... let me know. my freaking lens is stuck halfway open and in the meantime i have a broken camera and a sad life. thanks friends.
love you alll.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
i have broken my fever/cold/flu/swine(??). yes, yes i have. or so says my moms. but who cares. it means good news. i mean i still cough up a lung every hour or so but my body doesn't hurt anymore and my energy is back and head inst splitting open and my eyeballs don't feel like they are on fire anymore! oh! and and i can EAT! happy freaking days. life is wonderful. eeexcept the mound of homework i have to doo. thats unfortunate. oh well. i will somehow still make time for the office.
oh but listen! i got my hair cut today!! yes yes i did! its kind of reaally short. i cut off 4 and a half inches. biiig time right! maybe i will take a picture and show you people sometime. like before and after? yeah, that would be interesting. not. anyway. these are my thoughts. who freaking cares if boys like long hair. my brothers always freak out when i cut my hair because apparently guys like long hair but whateverr. i dont want a boy to like me for my stupid hair. also i dont get why my brothers freak out about me having short hair because last time i checked, they didnt want boys to like me. yeah. whatever. so boys if you forever hate me... big deal, whatever i still will have a great life because there is more to a girl than her hair {obviously} and well hair grows. ha. those are my thoughts. pictures probably after i shower and teach piano and such and such.
hmmm but since i already know stuid boyses opinions... girlss! what is your opinion??? long or short??
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
making progress...
so i have been sick all day and all night last night and all day yesterday and all the night before that. yeah, no fun. staying home from school really is overrated and borrring. but i am trying to stay positive soo ... i am making a list of my progress from yesterday.
here is my list.
firstly- i got 5 hours of sleep last night whereas sunday night i only got 3. whooo
second- i ate 2 peices of bread and some jello today which definitely is an improvement considering all i had yesterday was ONE piece of bread. how am i living??? yeah, i dont know either...
third- i have only taken medicine once today and yesterday i cant count how many times i popped pills/drank that nasty crap stuff you pour on a spoon... but it was definetly a lot.
fourthly- i have only watched 3 and a half movies today and yesterday i watched 5 and a half. yeah. lots of movie watching. very verry boring...
and fifthly- i have only eaten half of a bag of cough drops and yesterday i had a whoole one. gross. i really didn't think cough drops were that bad until thats all i have been eating for the past 48 hours. gahh
so i guess thats the end of my list. its not really a long one.
so i guess my life for the past two days hasnt been tooo exciting but i have decided i like the original charlie and the chocolate factory a LOT better than the second one. so the second one has more funny one liners, but for the most part it is just creeepy. and yes i did watch both of them one right after the other. that was my highlight of the day. oh, and the jello of course.
well, i am off to watch some more movies... any suggestions???
maybe i should try and muster up the energy to study for AP gov. i missed the unit 1 test today and i am scared it is deathly hard. and i havent studied at ALL. stressss.
here is my list.
firstly- i got 5 hours of sleep last night whereas sunday night i only got 3. whooo
second- i ate 2 peices of bread and some jello today which definitely is an improvement considering all i had yesterday was ONE piece of bread. how am i living??? yeah, i dont know either...
third- i have only taken medicine once today and yesterday i cant count how many times i popped pills/drank that nasty crap stuff you pour on a spoon... but it was definetly a lot.
fourthly- i have only watched 3 and a half movies today and yesterday i watched 5 and a half. yeah. lots of movie watching. very verry boring...
and fifthly- i have only eaten half of a bag of cough drops and yesterday i had a whoole one. gross. i really didn't think cough drops were that bad until thats all i have been eating for the past 48 hours. gahh
so i guess thats the end of my list. its not really a long one.
so i guess my life for the past two days hasnt been tooo exciting but i have decided i like the original charlie and the chocolate factory a LOT better than the second one. so the second one has more funny one liners, but for the most part it is just creeepy. and yes i did watch both of them one right after the other. that was my highlight of the day. oh, and the jello of course.
well, i am off to watch some more movies... any suggestions???
maybe i should try and muster up the energy to study for AP gov. i missed the unit 1 test today and i am scared it is deathly hard. and i havent studied at ALL. stressss.
Monday, October 5, 2009
soo i'm sick and running off of 3 hours of sleep because being sick is mean and makes you not sleep. yeah, no funn... but i am watching robin hood. which is soo fun...oodalalie oodalalie golly what a day...! but anyway its a perrfect time to blog about how freaking fun homecoming was! yayy!!
alright. here we go.
here is my amazing dress. thank youuu emily peterson!!!!
this is my lovely sister. i love herr
we are nerds and took pictures while the men were at priesthood. yesss
this is my date christiaan. sooo fun!
this one is my favorite :)
i am amazing at taking jumping pictures. seriously
i loove kelcey.
shubba k. love her to death
also, so much love for this girl right here.
it only took them like an HOUR to think of this pose...
okay, love her alot too. really though...
alrighty... i think i am just gonna be done with pictures. there are many much more with many more people that i just love to death i just didnt want to bombard all you people with a million pictures. thats what facebook is for. ha. but really homecoming was a BLAST and i loved every second of it. its sad to think that it was my last homecoming ever... weird.
but i think i am going to go watch ratatouille now. either that or cars. i cant decide.
oh well...
and being sick definitely = watching movies allll day long. i am a little bit bored of it and think i am about to cough my lungs out any time now.
ughh no fun...
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