sooo we all know the saying... Disneyland is the happiest place on earth? yeah. well i am here to testify of the validity of that statement. seriously. it is. anywho i just loved this break. chilis, tara getting a ticket from a grumpypants cop for taking a Uturn, DISNEYLAND, an 8 mile bike ride to a breakfast place that was closed, and not getting lost. yep. so fun. pictures?? i thinks yes.
so we started off our adventure with a very overpriced breakfast at IHOP. yeah, prices are double in Anaheim then they are here in good ol' mesa... 15 bucks for pancakes?? i think NOT
the happiest place on earth. for reals.
2 thumbs up for disneyland. okay 4
i miss her.
i love her
the schlappi family supports disneyland
fact: i was legitimately screaming in every picture
i always wanted one of these pictures...
don't believe our smiles. we HATED the ferris wheel
is your name mater too???
i wish i was a disney princess. someday...
it was probably one of the hardest bike rides i have ever ever been on. seriously. California loves hills. me, not so much

finalllyyyy we get to this gorgeous winery with this supposedly amazing breakfast. banana pancakes. yum. yeah. but i wouldn't know. we got there at 10:35. breakfast ended at 10:30. perfect

all in all i just loooveed disneyland. yeah. senior trip 2010. i am a major fan. we only got lost like 5 times getting there and 1 ticket. i'd say thats pretty good. anyways. i went to stake choir practice tonight and guess what. i get to sit right behind the pulpit. perfect. now i cant fall asleep/not pay attention EVER during stake conference next week. i mean not like i would try to... but you know..
october break is over now and i am sad. 1 quarter down and 3 left then my senior year is over. sad. now i am depressed. how about watching the other side of heaven? i think yes. okay. done deal. love youu all!
can i maybe pretend to be a senior and come to disneyland with you??
Disneyland roooooocks!!!! And all of your pictures are amazin. And at least you get to sit by me at stake conference right... Also, that comment about the senior quarter thing made me so sad. i really have crying feeling right now. i love you!
I'm almost done reading your entire blog as I sit here being sick and not going to your soccer game. I loved your Disneyland pictures and it made my day to see a saying "I love her" under the picture of me and you. Thanks, Rachel, and you really are funny on your blog. It's very enjoyable!
I love you too
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