okay so here it goes.
so this is how it goes
i open the door and see this man whose teeth are definitely brown and rotting out. i think he is some man wanting to do my lawn untilll... he starts talking...
our conversation:
Creep : hi are you Becky?
Me: uhh noo..
Creep: is she home?
Me : (i immediately realize that he is the server guy and that paper in his hand is my 300 dollar ticket and again i reply... ) uhh noo...
Creep: well can you just give this to her when she gets home? (as he tries to give me the paper)
Me: um... no sorry
Creep: all you have to do is give it to her.
Me: well i don't really know what to do so uhh how about just come back in 20 minutes, she will be home then and you can give it to her. (there is NO way i am taking that ticket mister.)
Creep: Well all you have to do is give it to her, she should have already gotten one in the mail
Me: (uh YUP! thats the ticket alright, and sir, your teeth are falling out as you speak i hope you know) Ehh thats alright, you can just come back in 20 minutes, i don't want to be responsible for it.
Creep: Just take it and give it to her! (as he becomes rude and impatient with me...)
Me: i really don't think i am going to (as i am trying to hide behind the door) you can just come back later.
Creep: Fine, i a just going to leave it right here on your door step. (and he starts to leave but then turns around and says) can i have your name?
Me: Um NOPE, i don't think so. BYE! (and wash your clothes. okay cool.)
Creep: (walks away and writes something down on his paper.)
Me: Door, shut
so i was so scared. and called my mom and told her the story and she told me just to leave it on the doorstep. yeah, there is no way i was going to touch that. and this lady in my ward who is a lawyer came and got it so we didn't have to touch it.
so i was freaking out and i'm pretty sure i'll probably be arrested any time soon.
oh man i hateee getting flashed by those dumb speeding cameras...
so scary
but other than that life goes on right??
1 comment:
weird.... is it a legit ticket?
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