so i have been talking to this girl i have never met via facebook email this is going to be in the same heritage room with me at BYU!!! ahh i am so excited.
so i found out who all the girls that are going to be in tingey 224 are and naturally i stalked them to the death to make sure they are all normal looking people and so far it is looking good!
i can't seem to locate miss emma marie though.
cute name but i don't know... how do you NOT have a facebook??
but i have been talking to this one girl elizabeth bishop from northern virginia and she is a super nice girl. and i am excited.
also weirdly enough another girl from good ol' mountian view will be rooming with us! markie palmer. so i have known who she was because she was in my orchestra in junior high, spanish 2 with coleman, and chorale. so i know her... but i don't know her. i don't think we have had a legitimate conversation but we know each other exist. soo it should be good.
but i am so excited.
p.s. i got asked to prom... a week ago??
and i am stoked!!! i am going with tanner flake who is one of my best guy friends and i am just so excited because it is going to be great fun.
the poster says
"rachel! i would be eggspecially eggcited to eggscort you to prom!!"
and he put 240 yes i counted easter eggs on my front lawn.
soo after breaking them all open i found all the letters to his name except one A. ohh well... homecoming junior year he put 3 N's... i think he does it on purpose just to throw me off... but its funny. and i am excited!!
"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Fran Sancisco.
I went to San Fran over these past couple days with Chorale... and it was AMAZING!
really, so much unbelievable fun.
so many memories and cool and hilarious things happened all in 3 days.
here is a recap.
1. SKYWALKER STUDIOS. george lucas's privet estate. yeahhhh we were only like 150 feet away from his house, wait MANSION. huuuge. we recored for like the whole day and it was tiring. buuttt while encore was recording i got to see a sneak preview of How To Train A Dragon or something in thee most amazing theater ever. seriously the sound system. unreal.
2. WICKED. loved it. not as much as the first time but i just looove the play and its just so fun to go see with all your bestest friends.
3. HANGING OUT AT THE HOTEL. so fun. i love my choir. and playing ninja and getting kicked out of the lobby and just having a blaaaast everyy night. seriously soo much fun.
5. CHELSEA, KELCEY, ALEX, VAL, LYNZI. love all thesee girls SO much. our room rocked. and so did our food bag and boxers. seriously couldn't ask for better roomates.
6. ALBINA ALLIGATOR. its real.
7. UNCLE RONNIE AND AUNT VICKIE. love them. seriously. too bad we aren't realllly related.
8. THE GOLDEN GATE BRIDE. its really huge and cool. go see it.
9. GHIRARDELLI SQUARE. um hi i ate the yummiest mint chocolate chip sundayy everr.
10. LOMBARD STREET. it is the windest street ever. so cool but a pain to get to. there are looots of hills in san fran.
11. HOBOS. there were some gross hobos there. with signs that were funny. like spare one dollar for weed. bahaha.
12. PLANE RIDES. hi i love airports and don't know why. but i had the funnest plane rides. they included having the guy embarrass chelsea and have jeff ask her to prom. spilling my ginger ale alllll over drew and his chem book and then all over jeff. laughing so hard i almost peed. trying and failing at making a squirrel origami out of a dollar bill. racing through sky mall.... and many more. so fun.
13. CHORALE. i love chorale. and everyone in it. it was so fun and i am going to be so sad to graduate.
14. OUR BUS CONVERSATIONS. wee had some funnnyy conversations on the bus. lets leave it at that.
all in all i looooved san fransicso. it was so fun and i love choir.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
its spring!!
its officially everybody.
it is spring time.
my spring break pretty awesome.
we went snowmobling in fariveiw utah.
so great. i loved it. i love my family. and extended faimly. and tilly. and tyler...and yeah.
i didn't die but nathan palmer messed his lip/braces pretty bad and breanna smith had to get 7 stiches in her chin.
on the way home we went to the manti temple.
oh my goodnessss amazing.
it looks like a castle!!
i'm serious i am in love.
eexcept for the temple worker guys had no idea what they were doing i think...
yeahhh amazing.
so my wisdom teeth were... interesting
two of my bestest friends and favorite people inn the world came and visited me.
stephanie peterson and valerie goodman
love those two dearly
i feel bad beacuse i wasn't much fun or aware of what was going on. but i love them and the jamba they brought me.
oh and the story?
soo on friday, aka the day i got them out... i took a little nap and woke up around 630 pm
so i go upstairs, check my email and remember that the soccer banquet started at 6.
i was feeling pretty good so i decided since i was home alone i would just drive on over there.
so i pop in some pain pills since the numbness from the surgery was going away and i'm off like a dirty shirt.
soo about 730. about 45 minutes later. my good ol' coach is giving a speech thing about everyone of the girls and how he had such a good season and yada yada yada.
so suddenly i feel nauseous right?
so say "emily, i am going to throw up."
2 seconds later i am throwing up in a brown alberstsons bag and all over the floor.
in the middle of the quiet speech.
so i leave the room with sherbear and some mom that is a nurse.
yeah, my parents were not there.
after about 5 minutes i go back in feeling better.
the banquet ends and as i am walking out with the lovely kimee and her parents i decided to throw up again! all over the sidewalk.
bending over and dry heaving.
what a scene
it was horrible
but the quents were so nice and drove me and the truck home because technically i was told not to drive. and kimee scratched my back while i dry heaved on my driveway as well. thanks kimmers. youda best.
that night was miserable and i realized i really can't ever take pain pills.
even with my leg surgery they had to try like 25 different pain pills so i wouldn't throw up!
i don't know whats wrong with me.
but it surely wasn't fun not being able to eat smile or show emotion for the next 5 days.
but its over now... thankfully.
and now school is starting and then i graduate.
oh and ps.
here is a picture of my little bruders face.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
'purse'onally UNinvited
competitiveness is a disease
one without a cure.
and i deffffinitely have it.
i mean who knew?? i always knew i was competitive.
and winning is always funn.
but i mean, relief society?
really rachel. calm down
and here's the thing. i wasn't even being that baad!
i was just quick
okay, here is the story
soo i go to relief society because i was invited right?
and its this whole cute thing for relief society's 50th birthday or something and they had a million cute purses and the theme was like "purse"onal and "purse"uit of happiness and stuff.
yeah cute.
so they fed us dinner.
sang us a song.
and then we played a game...
this is where the problems started
so here is how the game worked.
there was a big purse in the middle of the room.
sister baker stood at the microphone and would say
"anyone have tissues in their purse" and they would do everything from a church magazine to fingernail clippers. so fun
and everyone would race to see who had it and if they could get it in the big purse the fastest.
so i ended up being the official 'runner' for the table.
soo i was wearing slippery shoes and pretty much dove 5 times to get the items in the purse the fastest.
and i actually won 7 times and got the prize for having the most items.... even though they weren't technically all mine
soo here is where the bloddy/split open lip comes into play.
so the purse moved around the room a lot to make it fair for allll the tables and this item happened to be a cell phone
i didn't have to wait for the others on my table to dig it out of their purse... i just grabbed mine and ran
so i'm running to the purse i did not notice poor sister waring.
i guess she stood up right as i was going by and as i was literally throwing my phone into the purse i guess somehow i elbowed her or something and her lip legitimately bled until the night was over. which definitely was a good hour. but i mean i was in the back table and the purse was like 6 feet away from her. if that.
so i mean, she should have been quicker.
okay no i am kidding.
i should have been not so competitive and intense.
i really feel so bad
and i gave her the candy bar you win for being first.
because well, i won.
but i felt bad too.
but i did win 7 candy bars and well, kept none of them.
but it was sad
and i really feel so bad. and everyone got quiet and it was embarrassing and sad and i felt like crap and that i should just be dirt.
moral of the story is.
the relief society is never going to invite the laurels to their activities again because if they do...
i will be there.
and probably leave someone with a broken leg next time...
it really is the story of my life.
one without a cure.
and i deffffinitely have it.
i mean who knew?? i always knew i was competitive.
and winning is always funn.
but i mean, relief society?
really rachel. calm down
and here's the thing. i wasn't even being that baad!
i was just quick
okay, here is the story
soo i go to relief society because i was invited right?
and its this whole cute thing for relief society's 50th birthday or something and they had a million cute purses and the theme was like "purse"onal and "purse"uit of happiness and stuff.
yeah cute.
so they fed us dinner.
sang us a song.
and then we played a game...
this is where the problems started
so here is how the game worked.
there was a big purse in the middle of the room.
sister baker stood at the microphone and would say
"anyone have tissues in their purse" and they would do everything from a church magazine to fingernail clippers. so fun
and everyone would race to see who had it and if they could get it in the big purse the fastest.
so i ended up being the official 'runner' for the table.
soo i was wearing slippery shoes and pretty much dove 5 times to get the items in the purse the fastest.
and i actually won 7 times and got the prize for having the most items.... even though they weren't technically all mine
soo here is where the bloddy/split open lip comes into play.
so the purse moved around the room a lot to make it fair for allll the tables and this item happened to be a cell phone
i didn't have to wait for the others on my table to dig it out of their purse... i just grabbed mine and ran
so i'm running to the purse i did not notice poor sister waring.
i guess she stood up right as i was going by and as i was literally throwing my phone into the purse i guess somehow i elbowed her or something and her lip legitimately bled until the night was over. which definitely was a good hour. but i mean i was in the back table and the purse was like 6 feet away from her. if that.
so i mean, she should have been quicker.
okay no i am kidding.
i should have been not so competitive and intense.
i really feel so bad
and i gave her the candy bar you win for being first.
because well, i won.
but i felt bad too.
but i did win 7 candy bars and well, kept none of them.
but it was sad
and i really feel so bad. and everyone got quiet and it was embarrassing and sad and i felt like crap and that i should just be dirt.
moral of the story is.
the relief society is never going to invite the laurels to their activities again because if they do...
i will be there.
and probably leave someone with a broken leg next time...
it really is the story of my life.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
President Dallin H. Oaks.
"even if he doesn't lift the burden, he will give you the strength to get through it"
today president Oaks came to our stake conference!
it was amazing and yes i did get to shake his hand.
i feel so cool and it definitely made my year.
we have a new stake presindency and my old bishop and one of my best friends dad is in it! whooo!
but President Oaks is the nicest man and his talk was amazinggg
i was a little bummed that the adult session was at the same time as sadies because i wanted to go more than anything... but speaking of sadies...
it was so fun!!
seriously, i loved it and my date was super.
so sadies was the bomb and so was stake conference.
what a wonderful weekend
today president Oaks came to our stake conference!
it was amazing and yes i did get to shake his hand.
i feel so cool and it definitely made my year.
we have a new stake presindency and my old bishop and one of my best friends dad is in it! whooo!
but President Oaks is the nicest man and his talk was amazinggg
i was a little bummed that the adult session was at the same time as sadies because i wanted to go more than anything... but speaking of sadies...
it was so fun!!
seriously, i loved it and my date was super.
for our day activity we did the AMAZING RACE.
it was funn but we had to run like miless.
we were
team blue
we went cosmic bowling, hence the blue pictures...
meet mr and mrs fredrickson.
this is our 'mad' faces
we played this game where somebody says something funny, or sad, or just plain wierd and take a picture and see what our faces look like. probably we did this thee wholee night. so fun.

and this is me and my date drew.
we dressed up as Russell from the movie UP
"the wilderness must be elxplred... ka kaa, ka kaa!!"
so sadies was the bomb and so was stake conference.
what a wonderful weekend
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
i pretty much almost dieeed.
these are like my childhood.
i immmediately opened the bag, i didn't even ask mom for permission (i know wierd right?) and ate them.
andd ate them.
they are so good.
and it was like flashback x10 to my childgood
you should go to the store, and buy some. and enjoyy
ohh and i definitely did this... it was irresistable. i mean, how could you eat Bugles without doing this??
oh and today this grandma came in the house i was at for mutual and when her son was like 'oh look at all these beautiful girls!', she pointed at me and said these aren't all girls! thats a boy!
and then she was like oh it is a girl?? after we corrected her of course...
and was like mad and said, 'she cut her PANTS OFF!'
she was disgusted and said it over and over as if it was a sin to wear my track shorts.
...i've never had anyone react to me like this before...
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