i pretty much almost dieeed.
these are like my childhood.
i immmediately opened the bag, i didn't even ask mom for permission (i know wierd right?) and ate them.
andd ate them.
they are so good.
and it was like flashback x10 to my childgood
you should go to the store, and buy some. and enjoyy
ohh and i definitely did this... it was irresistable. i mean, how could you eat Bugles without doing this??
oh and today this grandma came in the house i was at for mutual and when her son was like 'oh look at all these beautiful girls!', she pointed at me and said these aren't all girls! thats a boy!
and then she was like oh it is a girl?? after we corrected her of course...
and was like mad and said, 'she cut her PANTS OFF!'
she was disgusted and said it over and over as if it was a sin to wear my track shorts.
...i've never had anyone react to me like this before...
For one, it is a sin to wear your track shorts in public. And for two, I react to your immodest shorts all the why were you so shocked about the grandma backing me up?
hahahaha. I'm rofling right now, like seriously. love it. :) oh and p.s. I'm running against Haley Brown
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