basically we went to Coronado for a couple days and LOVED it and now I'm in the provo utah
In coronado there was this amazing statue
It's called unconditional surrender.
unfortunately these people arent me... we didnt get a chance to get a picture with it, I just think it's so cool how it is so HUGE!

anyway, coronado was a blast and i love that place and my family more than anything.
now i'm all moved in my place and just kinda waiting for school to start!!
Mom and Tara left me this morning, i'll miss them!
and I was thinking about it... I'm really gonna miss Nate! It's like I wont get to see him grow up. which is sad. I really am gonna miss that stud of a brother.
But here I am. Provo, Utah. big time college student. I wandered around campus today with Brad looking for our classes because we didn't feel like going to NSO. oh well... i still think that i'll get lost but whatever.
Also almost all my roomates are here and i love every one of them! they are all so nice so i'm thinking we will just have some great times :)
but i know i have a million more things i need/want/moreneedthanwant to blog about but i think i'll just skip out on that.
I feel like I'll be super busy at college but I'll try to keep up on my blog...
oh well. and maybe sometime I'll post some Coronado pictures but for now there are a couple on my sisters blog.
Speaking of my amazing sister... she had her MRI today! they got the results probably minutes ago so I don't know the results yet but I'm sure that everything will turn out okay. She is just so great and whatever life throws at her she dominates. I love her. and I'll miss her like it's my job as well.
But I should eat some food now... such is the life of a college student...
I just got a text message from my sister that the MRI was GOOD! No tumor as of now!! YES!