I'm blogging again because I feel like it.
Alright can you handle how gorgeous these two lovely ladies are??
Because I certainly cannot!
Also, they are the nicest and left this picture on my wall for me. Well, facebook wall of course
Really though. I love them.

how cute is that?
And they make those burgers look goood.
err, uhh, wait what am I saying. those burgers look scrumpteous and they are beautiful tooo. They go great together. Thats it.
and i miss them too.
The end.
This is the greatest!! Now you are the nicest person for dedicating this post to us! Thanks for being so wonderful! I love you and will see you in.....4 days!!!! Ahh love you.
We're gonna miss you though! Don't forget too much about us. C&H had their first piano lesson with a new teacher and they both liked her, but said it was weird without you. H let her know she had to "teach really good" because she didn't want to lose all the skills she learned from you. There are some mighty big shoes you've left behind my dear.
Have a great time on this new journey!! Look out world!! - Az (the security word I have to type in is "untator" I think it's a sign.)
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