Guess what.
I definitely Joined an intramural soccer team!
I know, Exciting!
We had our first game last night and since I signed up like 5 hours before the game... I definitely had to play in my tennis shoes.
It was fantastic...
But here's the good news!
Even though last night I was pretty much dying because I'm so out of shape, I LOVED it!
There are some way nice girls on the team and now I can work out! It's only once a week... but it's a definite improvement.
So yes, soccer will be the exciting part about college! Because so far the most exciting thing is when a cute boy sits next to me in class.
Wait, I'm dreaming.
That has never actually happened...
So the real most exciting thing is when I get to go to bed at like 10:30!
Which has only happened once, but I loved it. Love love love.
Anyway, moral of the story is I need to work out for real.
Because there is NO way I should be this sore after one game of soccer... ughh...
1 comment:
Caleb LOVED his intermural team. :) I think I shall join when I come up next year. :)
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