2010 has come and gone and man has it been a full year. Filled with ups and downs, goods and bads, laughter and tears.
I finished my last year playing High School Soccer... and man, on our last game verse Gilbert I'll admit I cried like a baby. I think for the first time the whole year
Then regionals came along. It was one of the hardest things to fall in love with the music, practice with the choir for 2 days and then have to sit and watch them perform (hence the sweats and t-shirt). Super long story short... The idiot judge messed up and made me first alternate so I got to go and be in the choir, but not perform with them... The second time I cried all year. Ha, wow. and I thought I wasn't a crier :)
but then again I should thank her for messing up my try-out. I learned a lot with this experience.
Then saides with Drew Hooper. Easily one of the most fun dances I have ever been to.
Spring break was a blast. Getting my wisdom teeth out and Snowmobiling with the Smiths all in one week was awesome

Okay I lied about the Wisdom teeth. Easily one of the most annoying things EVER to get out. Really, I hated that week. This picture I found 2 weeks after getting them out. There are like 10 more pictures just like this, and I have no memory of taking them. Ha, drugs really do work.
San Fransisco with Chorale will easily be one of the biggest highlights of my Senior year. I made so many memories on that trip that I'll never forget
My last dance. Senior Prom. Hands Down wins the award for the best dance ever. I had a great date, group, and everything was just perfect.
I had to say goodbye to some of my best friends to missions this year. Tanner Flake, I know you're doing great out there :)
Pole Vault season flew by. I got lectures from coach more times than I can count. But I loved every minute of it.
Performing The Lion King with Chorale was the best EVER. Not kidding, we rocked it and it was just the most fun thing ever. And not gonna lie, I loved being an MC even though I was super bad at keeping a strait face during all the lame jokes :)
Choir easily impacted more than just 2010, it changed my life. Thanks Mr. Schrieber to making Choir the best.
(ps, nice sunglasses....)
In the year 2010, I GRADUATED. High school of course :)
How weird is that. I still feel like I should be 12 years old...
2 days after I graduated my sister had Brain surgery. A week later we found out she has brain Cancer. The summer of 2010 sure was a difficult one, but was filled with some crazy adventures like...
exploring a huge muddy cave!
and going to the Lake as often as possible
and I went on some fun dates with some of my bestest friends!
and since Tara and Josh didn't get their real honeymoon, 2 months later the whole Fam went to Coronado with them. They're great
Summer flew by and I had to say goodbye to some people I may never see again...
Then, I became a Cougar :)
And hiked the Y like every good freshman should
Went to football games...
and cheered for my main man Jimmer at some basketball games
we got pranked with 500 balloons in our kitchen
And I saw temple square for the first time!! (maybe it was 1 am...)
joined an intramural team with my roommate emily and LOVED it. seriously, best part of my first semester at BYU
took a "spontaneous" trip to Vegas
found a cave
went to some fun concerts...
made some sunday night dumpster donut runs...
almost died...
and had a GREAT 1st semester at BYU!!
But most of all, I made some great new friends.
Roommates, thanks for making the second half of 2010 the best ever.
This year definitely was an awesome one and I am super exited and nervous to see what next year will bring.
Happy new year everyone!
and 2011...
yes. I like this post. A lot. :) Especially since I am considered cool enough to be in it.
What a great record of 2010! Thanks for sharing. Loved looking at it all
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