"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

big papi

so last night my dad helped me clean the office.
it was quiiite enjoyable.
i love him a lot.
we jammed in the car to the Beatles and Celine Dion.
He's is really good at singing.
Then we went and had sundaes at Sonic.
It was a great daddy daughter night to say the least... :)

Monday, June 28, 2010


well i haven't blogged about college lately! probably because i dont know... just because.
but truth is... i'm nervous.
everyone says its hard.
what?? i thought i was supposed to party all day, all night.
okay... i'm kidding.
but it is a relief that all the boys are weird and immature. now i don't have to associate with them. YES
but i really really realllllly am missing my girls. a lot.
boys are.... oh you know. just awesome.
okay, i shouldn't be sarcastic in the blog. i'm sure half the time no one catches it.
but also i miss singing.
i mean singing with the radio/ipodd on the way to work, way home from work, and in the dentist office... which is like 2 hours and 15 minutes of singing... isn't quite cutting it. i want to sing WITH people. make beautiful sounds.
THATS what i want/miss... 
because i wouldn't call my belting out to "bulletproof" and "i need you now", which play endlessly these days on the radio, beautiful sounds!!

and lastly i miss my sister. i miss 6 years ago when we were stuck in the same house and she wasn't in college or 'cough' ...MARRIED. thats crazy.
so i just miss her. sometimes, just sometimes, i wish we could go back to when i was 10 and we shared a room. those were the days.
anyway. so i love her. and miss her. even though she lives like 2 seconds away. its not close enough for both of our busy lives.

but anyway... i need to muster up the motivation to start packing.

OH! and alsoo my friend Jeffrey Ronald Rock got his mission call to Burmingham Alabama!
thats so awesome. 

Friday, June 25, 2010

i love my mom

so yesterday we had a fun night together.
the boys were gone so we partied.
partying for me and mom includes going out to dinner and watching a movie.
so we went to rumbies... ahh so good!
and then went to see The Last Song
normally i would avoid any movie with that excuse for an actress
uh, whats her name? oh..
Miley Cyrus in it... like the plague.
but.. i read the book a while ago and LOVED it.  
couldnt put it down. finished it in like 7 hours.
so fun

so we saw that movie, we both bawled. i forgot the dad died of cancer... anything with cancer is a touchy subject right now. but thats not what i am trying to get to.
i'm trying to get to the part where i love my mom

so we go to borders because i insist my mom reads the book because it was probably 1,000. no 100,000 times better than the movie.
and she said she had a gift card.

so we go, and after she digs through her purse for a good ten minutes to find the card, we take another 20 find the book, and then we go to ya know.. buy the book. and the other book we wanted to read.

until... the lady at the registrer kindly helped us realize that the gift card unfortunately was to Barnes and Noble. not borders


hahaha.. anyyway. it was an eventful night.

and then we both wandered around the parking lot for a good 15 minutes looking for the car. all the while i was looking for my moms car.. and we drove my dads.
we're really smart
and i love my mom.
thats all!

but i doo need to tell you all about my fireman excperience.
i'm just waiting for the pictures.


Thursday, June 24, 2010


yes i AM posting this on my new laptop!
yes, i love it!!!!!
this is me probably 5 minutes after use.
don't judge... i just got out of the shower

but thats all.

I swear a real post will come soon!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

good morning baltimore

i don't know why that came into my head and it has nothing to do with this post but its fine.
i miss the morning time.
all time of the day feels the same to me at worky work.
speaking of work...
i got another job!!
whooo and its going to be ten times better than my current one i am sure.
this is what it is...
i clean a dentist office! for like 4 and half hours a week. and i get 800 dollars a month!
wow. awesome.

oh but want to hear a funny story??
okay so i went to this restaurant today

it was this lady at works last day so Blanca was like
hey we are all going out to lunch for kathy's last day, you should come!
soo... i went
and it was great because it took an hour and half! so i actually got a lunch break today!!
but, here is the funny/not so funny but it is to me, part.

for all you who didn't know... its called the claim jumper.
with an 'I'
not CLAM jumper
all my life i thought this place was a seafood place.
and i had never been there before.

soo going into this place i thought it was going to stink like fish so i was super nervous... but it didn't so i was really confused.
UNTIL... i walked out to go to the car and saw the sign 5 feet away from me.
and then i had a mini freak out in my head because i saw an I and realized my life has been a lie.
okay, a little dramatic but really. it's like finding out that willy wonka really doesn't have a chocolate factory and it's all fake.
flipped my world upside down


now every time i drive by that place i won't think of seafood.
i suppose that is a blessing

but i just bought a laptop likeeee 40 seconds ago!!
how amazing! i feel so cool and old.
i can't wait for it to come in the mail.
i have the best new older brother who is really smart about computers and knows every thing i want to have to make it go fast and all that cool stuff so he helped me! i love him
his name is josh.

go to claim jumper because it is actually SUPER tasty and not fishyy.
so yummy.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

cool huh

so today I go to the Nursery during church... because that is my new calling just in case you all were wondering...
and i'm talking to the other ladies in Nursery and this is what they say to me...
"So, how did you guys get the 1st presidency to pray for your sister?"
umm.... what??!!
i couldn't answer their question because I have NO IDEA!
seriously, apparently it's true.
and that's really cool!

but, what is very UNcool is that instead of my family being like
"hey Rachel, since you are part of the family and this really awesome thing happened to us we would like you to hear about it..."
i find out from people in the ward, after everyone else knows.


anywho.. i'll try to stop being bitter and be happy for my sister.
okay, bitterness over.

but finally i uploaded some pictures so here are the pictures from the fun date i went on last week!!

this is how it went
 we met at the church on McDowell and tandem biked to the abandoned bridge and finger painted the sunset
i know, amazing
this is the group

we had awesome camo bandana's
that was fun

this is me :)
it is definitely an in action shot.
don't get me wrong, preston is an awesome driver... but it's just scary not being in control.. ya know?? 
ha, i only screamed a little.

after we were done tandem biking we went to spencer frame's house and had a candlelit dinner with our favorite cereals! how creative are these guys??!

we have great posture

funny story behind this one...
i saw some ice cream melting in a bowl in the kitchen of a church.
there was some kind of a reception going on i believe
and so if you know me... i can't just pass by ice cream with toppings and all go to waste!!
so... i sneaked on in the kitchen and technically stole... but really saved the ice cream!
it was great

in action...

also, Preston and I believe modest is hottest so we put our bandannas to work to cover up this lovely mannequin!!

well, this is a week late but it was still SO fun.
loved it.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

marriage is what brings us together today...

my sister got married today!
Tara Lynn Bodrero.
my big sister got her self all married.

and you know what is NOT fair??? besides the fact that she is beautiful beyond all comprehension of course...
but the I don't get to go in the temple to watch the sealing.
really, i am/was/still am so sad
she gets to come in mine. so she has a great life
but from what i hear from all the family is that is was an UNBELIEVABLE sealing. one like no one has ever been to or ever will go to.
or so i hear...

but i am still waiting for it all to hit me.
i feel weird. like that something is wrong with me when i don't cry at the times when everyone else is? i mean don't get me wrong, i have cried, how can i not through this whole thing.
but not nearly as much as I anticipated or as much as everyone else it seems.
does that mean i don't care?
okay, i can answer that one for you... but i still feel like i should...

anyway, enough of that.
tonight was AMAZING
the decorations? so cute and adorable and just perfect.
the food. oh man. it was TOO good.
i didn't even count how many cupcakes i had. i would have repulsed myself.
but really, Lynette Bayles should start her own store, and no i'm not kidding.

i love my sister.
more than anyone in the whole world.
excepts maybe josh, my mom, and dad.
we are tied i guess... okay i'm kidding.
we all love her but the parents love her because she is their daughter, josh because she is his wife....oh weird... and i love her because she is my SISTER. the one, and the best. i couldn't ask for anything better.

okay, well this wedding post is getting lengthly.
so it will come to close.

love you all!

oh and p.s... i caught the bouquet tonight!!
ahhh yeahh :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


is it friday yet??!!
today i definitely spoke more than 12 words... probably at least 90!!
new record i think!!

and here is the reason for why i speak so little for all who are concerned about my mental well-being. thanks so much!!
but it's because i sit in a room... all by myself. with the exception of the copy machines, file cabinets, staplers, and cabinets full of office supplies. they are my new best friends!

its so fun.

but also wanna know my new love?
eating the watermelon on the sticks from the those Edible Bouquet things. ahhh man i'm telling ya, watermelon and chocolate covered strawberries on a stick are just so much more tasty :)
also i am just the BEST sister in the world and helped Tara escape from her temptation to deviate from her special cancer diet and I ate ALL the chocolate covered strawberries and bananas before she could get to them.
how nice am I?? i know...

 but tomorrow is thursday and it's time for the bridal shower! whoooo! i love all this wedding stuff
especially all the flowers people bring! they are great

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

i spoke 12 words at work today.
i counted.

so much fun :)




ahhhhhhh yeahh!

Monday, June 7, 2010

what a day...

oh man am i EXHAUSTED!
today at work was unreal.
not kidding.
this is what i did for  6 whole freaking hours.

so one of my co-workers comes on over to my little table in the supply room where i am content organizing the file cabinet and gives me a 34 page packet thingy and says
"I need you to pull each of these invoices from the vendors. okay thanks. oh, and p.s. the yellow highlighted is 2007, orange is 2008, and pink is 2009. ask so-and-so for the names because they are listed under their vendor ID and the files are organized by company name... thanks so much!!"
uhhh... come again??
thats legitimately ALL she told me.

first o' all i KNOW how the files are organized... i'm organizing them as we speak and have been for the past... uhh... week now.
second, thanks for explaining thee easiest thing aka what the highlighted year means! ha... its okay though...

so this is how it goes.
i take the 34 page packet which probably 200 different vendor ID's on it, which are hard enough to find, and then i have to find the Invoice #. okay in each vendor there are like legitimately 150 different invoices. especially in like FedEx and big companies like that they have like 5 files full of invoices and they want me to take out like 20... out of the thousand.... crazy! seriously
so i start out knowing it will be hard. little do i know...
i can't find close to HALF of the invoices they want and i'm only on A-C!! so i pretty much want to cry. then i find out there are files in BOXES accross the office where i can go check becayse "oh yeah because our company name has changed 3 times in the past ten years there are some over there probably... maybe... because once they were over 10,000 $ we had to.... blah blah blah"  so i have to check over there.
guess what!!
i found like 3 over there.

ha, and i'm sure you understood everythinggg i just said...

so i fail but i try to get it done. and i'm stressed. and it's hot because i am in the room with 2 huge copiers... constantly copying... all the time...


so there is my complaining for the day.

but guess what??? there is good news among all this boring crap.

but that will have to wait until i'm sure the world is allowed to know.

also, i went to Colton Winward's house last night to say goodbye.
how weird IS that?? he leaves tomorrow or something. ahh this is the start to all my guy friends leaving on their missions.
i'm freaking out.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


all this week my life has been consumed with work.
everyday. except the weekend. which is today.
i am supposed to be cleaning my room.
don't be mad mom! haha
but this week has been just GREAT!

really. 9 hours a day i have been filing, or sittting on the floor organizing some papers. or or shredding until the shredder overheats.
yess i love my job :)
but i mean, for ten dollars an hour its great! and i wanted a job so its what i wanted! so i can't complain.

but litterally i go for hoursss without speaking a word to anyone. i just am by myself filing away all alone in a room. fun huh.
and i just am so lost and don't know what to do i don't take bathroom breaks, lunch breaks nothin. i hold it and eat while i work. its wonderful.
i just want them to like me ya know??

anywhoo its sunday now... and i am finishing this post..
work is work. and its so fun... kinda. love it?
but i had healthy cookies today.
i know, oxymoron at its greatest and it was defffinitely interesting.

also i went on a SUPER fun date last night! really, it was great.