"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I should blog...

thats what I keep thinking to myself. And there is so much to be blogged about but I am so behing that I don't even know where to begin. Okay fine, I do. But it has been a week since I blogged. 

Ready, set, recap!

A week ago today I took my geography final... and boy did that one feel great to get over with! I also was on campus from 7-9 with 2 hours of sleep. Huge headache+little food+lots of work = a not very amazing day.

Thursday I went to Maglebeys for the first time. Then I went strait to campus and I took my last final!! And let me tell you... it felt good! It felt great actually! Taking that last final is just the best feeling ever. Thennn I ran strait to the Marriot Center to go to Travis's commencement. It was great.

holy huge graduating class.
inside the Marriot

Thursday ended with me packing my whole apartment up which resulted in and keeping val awake until 2 am. I really am so bad at packing! But I did get rid of a whole box of  useless/sentimental/useless stuff. Last time I moved from the dorms to the colony I got rid of a box of stuff as well... so I am thinking the more I move, the more stuff I will get rid of, and easier it will get! Although I did add a whole box of books...

Friday morning came early.
At 6 am I found myself outside in a nice dress that I was going to wear to Trav's graduation later... hauling boxes everywhere... unfortunately all my other clothes were packed away for good. We then moved most of my belongings to Gpa Schlappi's garage for the summer. After that we rushed to graduation and it was great! I want to graduate like, now. Fun fact: out of the 7 people that got PhD's, 4 of the were from China. Asian Invasion... they are taking over.

I'm really gonna miss this kid.
the grandparents came. huzzah!

Travis... pulled out one of his famous winkey faces ;););) I barely caught it on camera

Only a few of Travis's fans... Thanks DeeDee for coming out!
After graduation I had to deep clean my whole apartment... (still in dress. so fun)... and travis's whole apartment. and be out by 3 pm. It was a party.

Friday night we headed over to Lehi to have a little party with the Schlappi family. Travis loved his sign... as you can tell. haha.

collett made travis some "smarty pants"

Saturday I headed home! We left early and I got home in time to watch the last night of the Easter Pageant. I loved it. Love love love. Easter isn't easter without the Easter Pageant at the Mesa temple. I also got to see Brigham my adorable nephew who is getting huge!! I am just so happy to be home.

Sunday was Easter. I love Easter. It was an amazing day as usual.

Monday Tara, mom, and I left to the ER at 6:00 in the a.m. She needed surgery on her head again. It was a long day and She didn't go through the double doors for surgery until 3 in the afternoon. We stayed with her until about 10 that night and then Josh stayed the night with her. I posted more details are on her blog here.

Tuesday Tara came home and I stayed home, unpacked and watched Food Network with her... I'd say it was a great day :)

Now today. I am pretty much Tara's personal nurse. I went on a run today finally and it felt amazing. Tara felt good enough to ride next to me on a bike! I was honestly shocked she felt good enough but it was a grand old time :) My mom flew out to Provo tonight for a little vacation with all the sisters on the Schlappi side... So that means I'm the Mom for the weekend! That means... cooking, driving nate-dawg around, cleaning, cooking again, and cleaning. Oh plus taking Tara to all her doctors appointments and making sure she takes all her pills and everything. It's going to be fun.

Anyway, writting this annoyingly long blog post motivated me to not get behind anymore!! But we'll see... my blog may become nonexistent over the summer because I will be in Mesa.... So hello to 9 hour work days and early bedtimes and say goodbye to interesting blog posts...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

oh frabjous day

This weekend some of the rommies and I went on an adventure. To find the Provo Castle... And oh boy, was it an adventure!!
It started out with some deer chasing

I had to make sure they knew I came in peace

THEN we finally found the CASTLE!!! Best day ever!

cool huih?

I'm sure anne loved the multiple very attractive pictures of us we left for her on her camera :)

PROVO. Ya read?

Anyway, here's to life!! This semester is almost over!!
I went to bed at 2 a.m. and woke up at 4 a.m to study more for my 7 o clock final.
For all you non-math majors that's only 2 HOURS of sleep. 
For breakfast I had kool-aid and a cupcake.
Finals week is so good to me :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


doesn't this looks simply amazing?
Yeah, mom we need to invest in a hammock.

But oh, I took 2 finals today! Holler.
I am I got a 71% on my American Heritage test!!!! Please, keep your praise to yourself... I know I am just so smart! :) haha Oh, and my Book of Mormon test. I actually enjoyed taking that test. It was refreshing.

But now I think I'ma pull an all nighter and study for Geography which starts at 7 in the A.M tomorrow morning. Yes, my professor wants to make it the most enjoyable experience ever...

But all night I will be dreaming I was in a hammock under a nice shady tree with a good read and a tall glass of ice cold lemonade... wouldn't that be nice :)

Monday, April 18, 2011


Let's face it. Its hard to be happy during finals week. Actually, it is hard to do a lot of things... like study, find time to eat or sleep, be a cordial human being... etc. 
But mostly it is hard to keep a good attitude/perspective on thigs (which I try to do most of the time)
  • The weather is miserable out there. Really, Grey skies, and a constant downpour of rain. And to top it all of, it's stinking windy out there so an umbrella is useless.
  • I still have 4 finals left. 4! There are only 3 days left to take them... oh joy
  • Um hi. I am working for 9 hours today. 9 HOURS!! With no break. Yes 11 am to 8 in the freaking evening. Why do I do this to myself?!
  • 24 hours of work in 4 days. Yes, those 4 days happen to be the same 4 days that the testing center is open and finals are given out. That's averaging 6 hours a day at work people. DURING FINALS WEEK. Insanity.
  • Again with the weather, it is making me depressed. Weird how much weather can affect my mood. I shouldn't let it. I am in control of my emotions!!
  • I was feeling very under the weather/ill during both the reading days. Therefore I got not much done. So now I have to get A LOT done. Make up 48 hours of lost time. Love it.

But hey, life is good still... right? Right!!
So therefore I should make a happy list. A list of things that make me happy :)
  • the fact that I am going home in... 5 DAYS!
  • Cadbury eggs. Good thing I bought those, they are saving my life
Okay, happy list over. Back to finals. Although, it is so hard to focus on finals when all I can think about is how much I have ZERO interest in anything I am studying AND how all I want to do is party with my family AND how I need to buy a car in the next two weeks... 

But somehow I will make myself study. I always do...
Maybe I just stress to much. maybe.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

oh hey

did I mention only 168 HOURS until I will be HOME?!

that's only 7 days people.

Friday, April 15, 2011


No, I am not one... But I had to get drug tested just to make sure.
And lets be honest... I was super nervous.
Now before you judge, I wasn't nervous because I am some druggie, but because those places scare the heebie jeebies outta me! Serious.
And, before today I have only had one experience with having to pee in a cup and make sure it was the right temperature. About a year ago actually...
Let me tell you how it went down

So I go to the sketchiest part of Phoenix and it's in some building in the corner... I walk in and I don't they believe in lightbulbs because it is so dark in there. And it looks like this place hasn't been cleaned in 10 years. Seriuosly, it was falling apart. So some super scary lady is talking to me in a whisper, I don't even know what she is saying but she takes my phone and wallet and all my belongings and thne and takes me down some long, dark, and completely creepy hallway to a room in the back. If I didn't already had to pee, I needed to now. So I pee in a cup. Bring it out to her. She gives me scary looks and then I leave.

Yeah, it wasn't a very fun experience 

So I was definably scared for today.

BUT! It was great! It was in some nice office with lots of light and nice people all around! really, for a drug testing office this place was great. And not awkward at all surprisingly...

So moral of the story is... get drug tested in Draper Utah instead of Phoenix and you are guaranteed a 500% better experience!! :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Its that time...

Yes, that time has come again. The time where college students everywhere survive for days without sleep and walk around looking like zombies with glazed eyes and drool coming out of their mouths. That time where every project and paper you could have ever dreamed of is due on the same day. That time where you have stale cereal and expired milk for every meal of the day. The time where no one even has time to think about taking a shower. The time where the only study spots left in the library is on that tiny table in dark corner no one knows about on the 1st floor. Yes my dear comrades, finals week is finally here.

We all are too aware of the feeling of no matter how hard you study for your American Heritage, Chemistry, or Econ test, there isn't even a glimmer of hope for a C. We have all seen the people passed out on the computers in the Labs and people having seizures outside of the library. Yes, this is the one week in the semester where this is not an unusual occurrence and people just walk by without even thinking twice.

We all know that college students will do anything for free food.... but during finals week people are especially desperate. I saw this line at 11 a.m. after I got out of my music 101 class...
And yes, the line goes from the WILK to the end of the JKB... all for a free hot dog.
also, please don't judge the horrible photshop job... this is really 3 pictures taken super quickly on a camera phone... I didn't really have much of a chance of this actually turning out normal, but I tried my best... kinda.
Anyway, I wish you all luck on your finals. 
Lets all try to avoid having mental breakdowns or developing Tourette's syndrome... because final's week tends to do that to people :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

over the river and through the woods

The end is near!!! 2 more days of classes. Whoopie!! Whoopie pies? I want to make those. Lately I am realizing that my favorite posts to post are the ones of me just rambling. I don't have the slightest idea why, and I'm sure none of you even like them slash read them. Actually I think I know why... this is normal life. Normal life is me rambling... It's a real problem and I talk at 100 miles an hour, but I don't mind. Or notice most of the time. That's why I don't like to bear my testimony in church.. because it is embarrassing and I ramble and speak fast. Oh joy. I feel like when I post these posts I am not even doing anything. It is great! I am usually just looking around the computer lab making sure no one is doing anything bad and don't even have to think! Yes! Blogging rambling posts is therapy! Great! So many exclamation points!! I am doing something semi-productive but not thinking. Oh this feels great. Rambling therapy. It's a new thing. I love it. Speaking of therapy, did I mention I was thinking about majoring in Rec. Therapy? Yeah, I'm pretty exited about that thought... even though it's not even official. I feel exited that I even am having thoughts about what to major in. That has not ever really even happened to me before. Wow. Life is good, life is great, life is wonderful. No I am not stressed about my classes I am failing and papers I still have to write. Not one bit. I hope you all know that I am lying. Because I am. I am so super stressed. And not even about school, about other events that are too personal for this bliggity bloggity boo. So I will keep those in my head for now, or for never. Guess what! Val, gets home today. YES! Seriously, I miss that girl. What on earth am I going to do without her? I don't know because we complete each other and have the most craziest times together. It's real. But yes, she comes home today and then we have 12 days to party slash not really party because it will be finals week so I will be stressing and no fun. But it's all good. Hakuna Matata right? In 20 years I will not even remember that I failed my geography test right? Right? Hopefully right....Anyway I think my thereputic blogging is coming to an end. Now it's time for me to go through and read everything I just wrote. Oh how fun. Wait! Did I mention I am going home  in 12 DAYS!!! YES! I am indeed going home. It is going to be awesome. It snowed/rained all day on saturday. It was miserable. But, here comes the sun because Mesa is the best.
The End.

PS. I think I should call this blog my boyfriend because after reading this I decided that this would be a normal conversation with me and my boyfriend. Assuming I had one. But I don't. So this blog is my stand in Boyfriend that I tell everything too. Poor guy.. maybe this is why I don't have a man. Probably, I don't need a man. Just a blog :) These boys can't handle all this rambling of mine anyway. Right? Uh, It's time to find me a man. Ha, wait... who am I kidding. Boyfriend? Me?


Saturday, April 9, 2011


I"M SOO HAPPY! Why? Because our video is finnallyyyy DONE! Done done.
So here's the story:
Preston Alder calls me one random night and asks me to be in some video he is making for his ward thing. I agree to it but give him fair warning that I am not a good actress at all. I mean really, I can't even keep a strait face. Anyway a week or two later we start filming this video. Combined it took us 150 hours of work. Yeah, unreal. Preston Alder was the great director/editor and Ryan Faulkner was the videographer. And let me tell you... this guy is TALENTED! Seriously, he is a photographer as well and is super legit. Lets just say I was just a little intimidated by his skills and hard core equipment. 
Also, we used my adorable cousin Kenna Worthington as the little girl and she was absolutely perfect!!  Shooting with a 3 year old can take hours, a couple bags of Skittles and be kinda hard... but it worked! And we could not asked for a better girl for this video. She is adorable.

Anyywayy... here it is. It's about how I broke up with this dude because he is a fat jerk and then he has a change of heart after a series of events.

Watch it, it rocks.

It seriously feels so good to finally see a finished product! And I barely did anything! Ryan and Preston edited the whole thing... But yes, definitely have watched this like 25 times. I can't get over it :)
No more nights filming until 1 in the a.m.

oh, and check out Ryan's blog. He is so dang talented... 

Friday, April 8, 2011

day to day

Today was been wonderful. I woke up earlier than normal. Was productive. Went to 2 classes, and then while sitting in my 3rd I had to frantically leave early because I forgot I picked up someone shift that started in 40 mintes! So it basically flipped my day upside down. I had to miss my geography class, then walked oh so speedily home, had 15 minutes to change into work appropriate clothes AND do my cleaning check, then I speedily walked back to campus and clocked in. Whew! And I thought I was going to have a lax day... Definitely planned on going home and baking something tasty, but alas I am here. At work, blogging. Yay go me.

Also! It was so cloudy outside this morning that I could barely see the huge mountain outside my window. But, I didn't even care because I was perfectly happy when I woke up this morning. Why? Because I got 11 hours of sleep last night!!! Serious. And because of that I wasn't even tired when I woke up. 

 And THAT my friends, is one of the best feelings ever :)

I should have 9 p.m. be my bedtime ALL the time...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I am currently missing...
These guys.
I am part of the Chubby Wubby Bunnies Club. Now lick you lips and SMILE!
hey, that's my room!!
Yes, I am aware that my nephew is adorable :)
puppy. I miss her
We are not related. I promise!
I could Skype these people all day, everyday
HOME in 18 DAYS!!!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I'm not kidding. This weekend was absolutely FANTASTIC!
I did a bunch of things that I had never done before... A weekend of Firsts :)

1. First time having a Chipotle burrito. I know, how have a LIVED?! I don't even know honestly, but I got a steak burrito fajita style... aka sauted peppers and onions. YUM!!

 2. First time winning something ever. Well, I didn't really win this, but I caught a water-bottle thing at my uncles wheelchair basketball game. I felt pretty special :)

3. First time ever witnessing THIS! Crazy yeah? Yeah.

4. First time meeting SHAWN BRADLEY. seriously, he is so tall!! And his wifey is 5'4... what?!

5. First time making oreo rice crispy treats. And let me tell you... they are delicous. Me and val had a movie night complete with a stupid movie, Milk-shakes, oreo treats, and popcorn. Only the best.

 6. First time standing on the corner of temple sqaure holding up a finger so people will give me tickets. First of all, it was FREEZING! And secondly, everyone should go because it is SO easy  to get tickets! Really, in like 15 minutes we had 11 tickets. So great!!

7. FIRST TIME EVER GOING TO GENERAL CONFERENCE!!! Really, I was pretty dang excited. The second session on Sunday morning we had seats on the bottom floor. I loved it. Love love love. Also, the conference center is HUGE and there were probably a million and a half people in there. I am so glad I could go to 2 sessions of conference. It is incredible

8. First time ever being in a blizzard. Okay, not really... but it is freaking APRIL 3RD and it was snowing like it was it's jobbb. Count on Utah to have 70 degree weather one day and snowing the next... ughh

Anyway, this weekend... like always... was AMAZING! What made it extra amazing was going to General Conference. I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Really, I am so truly blessed :)