"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I'm currently writing an essay/paper thing.
and I am almost done...
good thing it's due at 9:30 in the a.m.
I started it tonight.
some say I procrastinated.
I may or may not have pracrastinated... and I may or may not be right now! 

But really I just want to think about anything and everything besides school and leisure theories right now...
cause you guys, life is so good :)

these guys


and do you know what that means?

... I get to see this crazy girl :)

She may or may not be my sister.


and I may or may not miss her a lot.
okay, I definitely miss her a lot.

 Also,  most of these fantastic people are coming up as well....

I sure do love General Conference... and that it brings my family up to see me :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

forget me not

Because I was stuck in Ogden until about 7:30 in the night, I missed the Relief Society broadcast. Good thing I love technology and technology loves me and I can read it online while I am sitting here at my 3 hour shift at work this morning. Anyway, I loved it. I especially loved President Uchtdorf's talk. That guy is great. Anyway he used the forget-me-not flower as a metaphor for his remarks, President Uchtdorf talked about that although the flower is small in size, and easily unnoticed among larger flowers, it is still beautiful and vibrant. Ha, I feel like the in the Relief Society broadcast they are always talking about how awesome the women are and how we are so strong and beautiful and amazing and just oh so great. But in the Priesthood session they always slam on the guys how they need to respect their priesthood, respect women, avoid sin, and the classic, get married. Don't get me wrong, I agree with all of those things. I just kind it a little bit funny... Although I secretly love it :)

Anyway here's a little outline and some quotes I loved from President Uchtdorf 's talk.
The gist of it was that he told us women 5 things that we should not forget.

First: Forget not to be patient with yourself
“God wants to help us eventually turn all of our weaknesses into strengths, but He knows that this is a long-term goal,”
“It is OK that you are not quite there yet. Keep working on it but stop punishing yourself. “
“Dear sisters, many of you are endlessly compassionate and patient with the weaknesses of others... Please remember also to be compassionate and patient with yourself.”

Second: Forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice.
He defined an acceptable sacrifice as giving up “something good for something of far greater worth.”

Third: Forget not to be happy now
I love the example he used from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Riiight up my ally
“In their anxiousness, people began to forget the simple joy they used to find in a candy bar. The candy bar itself becomes an utter disappointment if it does not contain a golden ticket,”
“The lesson here is that if we spend our days waiting for fabulous roses, we could miss the beauty and wonder of the tiny forget-me-nots that are all around us.”

I love that. Don't get caught up in looking for the Golden Ticket and forget to enjoy the chocolate we have right there in our hands :)

Fourth: Forget not the “why” of the gospel
He reminded us that the gospel is not an obligation, but a pathway leading to happiness and peace in this life and “glory and inexpressible fulfillment” in the life to come.
I love that.

Fifth: Forget not that the Lord loves you
and the classic quote that brought us all to the forget-me-not's
“You may at times feel a little like the forget-me-not—insignificant, small, or tiny in comparison with others, I hope it will be a symbol of the little things that make your lives joyful and sweet.”

 Man, I cannot wait for conference.

Monday, September 19, 2011

it's my birthday...

yep. It's here!! I'm 20 and my golden year is over... I'm leaving my teenage years behind me. I can't decide if I am happy about that or not, but I think it is a good thing. I can no longer be classified as a teenager! YES. But that means I need be mature and people might actually start taking me seriously. I am not allowed to be annoying, fail tests, or not be responsible and blame it on my teenager-dom... I'll have to find some other super legitimate reason for coming up short in life :) But being super responsible and smart and amazing just automatically happens once you turn 20... right?! That's what I hear at least! Ohh welll.... I think the perks of being 20 will far outweigh any perks of being a teenager. Wait, what am I saying, are there any perks of being a teenager??! Probably not. But I am still getting a little nostalgic thinking about how fast I am growing up... These years need to slow down a little so that I can enjoy them.

But now I say ciao to my teenage years. To the years of sneaking into the Stapley pool and playing hide&go seek in WalMart. To the years of running around the halls of my Junior High School in silly outfits and joining a million little clubs in High School just so I get out of class more. Here's to food fights and detention. To high school dances and all day track invitationals. Here's to night games, best friends, drama, and crushes. Well, it looks like not much has actually changed, but my teenage years were definitely the best.

...man, those were the days...

Here's to my 20's! Let's start off these next 10 years with a bang, yeah?


Tucano's here I come :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


  • I'm soo tired. But that doesn't stop me from being happy!! Life is so good :)
  •  I don't want it to snow. Ever. I love walking around with green trees everywhere and pretty flowers all over campus. I'ma miss that.
  • Jack Bauer has stolen my heart.
  • My Birthday is on Monday! Holller back :)
  • If it's 7 in the a.m. and all the food places in the WILK are closed and the Custodial people are still cleaning all the buidlings, it is DEFINITELY too early for the labs to be open... and me to be working in them...
  • I miss my sister.
  • and my brother
  • and my dog.
  • ... and the rest of my family too :)
  • All I want to do is make breaded chicken.
  • I'm really tired.
  • Blogging doesn't make sense sometimes.
  • Someone bring me some chapstick, please?
  • why can't sleep have rollover minutes?!
  • I think I should make cupcakes when I get home.
 one day.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

happy happy joy joy!!

You guys would not believe this. Okay maybe you might... But if you know me, you are aware that I love food. It's a disease I'm sure. I droll over food blogs daily and get more excited about perfectly baked cupcakes than getting an A on a test. It's probably getting a little out of hand...

ANYWAY, I brewed up these little pretties a week ago, and they are legitimately all I have thought about ever since. Shocking.


Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes.

ps. disclaimer - this is not a food blog. so don't except it to be as supergreatawesome as a lot of those blogs out there.... discaimer #2 - all of these pictures were taken on my extremely (not) high-tech phone. I forgot my camera. Don't hate me. Disclainer #3 - I am not a food photographer nor a food decorator. So these may look like a 3rd grader took them...

Okay now that that's outta the way.... picture time!

this is the happiest moment of all baking. 
Opening up the oven and seeing them baking perfectly!!! I squeal like a little kid walking in the gates of Disneyland for the first time when I saw these little guys growing up all amazingly :) 
Good thing I went to Nate's and made them, because my oven at The Colony is a big o' piece of junk. And can barely bake potatoes without screwing them up.

{Oh. My. Amazing.}

Haha.... Oookay... So putting up the pink towel to make these cuppycakes look even more divene was definitely Nate's idea... don't judge :)

These are incredible...
Seriously, that graham cracker crust... the cream cheese frosting... I die. So much tasty in one cupcake.

Okay now that that is over go out and make them! I promise you, they will change your life. Or woo that man you are trying to win over...

Also on Sunday the roommates and I made these one Sunday but the mini version!! I personally like the mini-cupcakes better... much easier to eat, and perfect proportion in every bite. Oh, so good.

Oh, and here is the blog that I got the recipe from. This girl is awesome. Take a look at some other things she has made, you will die and go to food heaven... http://www.the-girl-who-ate-everything.com/2011/07/strawberry-cheesecake-cupcakes.html

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Old Man

So I have many fun things to blog about coming reaaaal soon... but for now I am blogging about my incredible father! Today is his 50th birthday. 50!! My dad has lived 50 years of amazing life. Honestly I have never met a human being who does not completely love and respect my dad... and well and animals too. We all know dad is our dog KC's favorite :) But I honestly don't know how he does it! He was an incredible bishop to the ward and patriarch to our family. He always knows exactly what to say to help me get through stressful times and is the most amazing example to me. I honestly could go on and on about my love for my dad... But I won't :) My dad is an incredible man and it is crazy to think that he has lived for half a century... 50. Whoa.

Love ya Dad :)