"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

SDSU beat BYU? Fredette about it!!!!

Okay, 1st item of Business...
BYU Basketball beat SDSU in the big time tonight! YES!!!!! and Jimmer is my idol. Seriously, He rocks at basketball aaaand I love him :) Seriously! 43 puntos!!! Pretty much he just makes my life so happy :)
Also, here are some hilarious tweets about him. Ready?
"Jimmer makes black people wish they were Mormon"
"Chuck Norris just bowed down to Jimmer Fredette"
AND you know that rapper Nelly? Yeah even he tweeted about him. Jimmer is alllll the rage!

This video makes my life!! Hahaha... seriously I hope I can be this cool when I'm old! Really, I love it. It's hilarious.  Watch it, and laugh :)

also, my most favorite part has GOT to be the lady on the right at the end... HA I love them :)

i'll come up with some sort of a title later...

hello world. my apologies about the weird and pointless post yesterday. Thats just all I felt posting I guess...

But here is a little update about my life! Ready?

These are my amazing new roommates at Emily's house in American Fork for her Birthday... excluding Jasmyn. She was somewhere.. I forgot. But yes, I love them and we just laugh... a lot :)

This would be me and the lovely Val Goodman.
We have some crazyyy good times together and she is the best roommate ever! No joke, I love her.

So this one time (aka monday night...) there was this pudding eating contest. I think I hate pudding. I had 10 snack pack cups of pudding and I wanted to barf. I probably should have. It was disgusting, but so fun at the same time. Oh the things val talks me into doing!!

Anyway, I know my dear mother was wanting some pictures of my new roommates... So there it is!
Have a happy wednesday, and oh! Big game tonight!! I'm severly depressed I wont be at the game because I work until 7... but you better believe I will be cheering my beloved cougars on to VICTORY!!! Ha, I can't wait to see my main man Jimmer tear up the court tonight. He is basically my idol.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


It snowed today :(

Monday, January 24, 2011

mom weekend

So this weekend I got to experience a little bit of what it is like to be a mommy. And let me tell you... I have no idea how moms do it! I swear I feel like all moms do is clean the kitchen, and cook and then clean the kitchen again.. and then change some poopy diapers, make sure the kids don't kill each other and then clean some more! Holy coww... Props to every mother out there.
Also, moms never sleep. Ever. at 3 in the a.m. I got up and took care of baby Syd and honestly felt like I got out of bed every 45 minutes after that! I probably didn't need to... cause she wasn't really crying or anything, more like whinning/whimpering? I don't know. But I think I was just paranoid and never really fell back asleep. But  Travis slept through the whole thing! He wakes up and says "Well that was nice, Sydney didn't cry once!" Yeah, more like he never woke up once... And at like 9:30, sunday morning, I am making some French Toast, Scrmbled eggs and yummy strawberry smoothie gooodness for the chillins, and while I'm cooking up a storm I send Spencer to go shower so we can get to church on time... Travis somehow manages to sleep right through Spencer screaming at the top of his lungs because he got soap in his eyes. Spencer was in the shower connected to the bedroom Travis was sleeping in. Good one Trav... haha
He is going to be the greatest dad :)
But it's all good. One day I'll understand how moms run off of no sleep and are just doing stuff alllll day. It's unreal.
And there should be a mother's day every week, because moms need it. Man mom... You really were the best :) Thanks for being a tropper and putting up with me and my feistyness.

Moral of the story:
Kids are great...but I'm thinkin' I can wait to be a mom... I'm in no rush :)
I'll just keep living the college dream... aka studying and working... and postpone babies for some years down the road.
Life is good.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

I love this.

And I love love. Not like I have ever been in love, but I can't even wait. I feel like that is exactly how you should treat the one you love, like they are the center of your universe. Cute. And maybe just mayybe me and val were watching wedding videos last night :) ha, it wasn't our fault! We just found them and couldn't help ourselves... :) haha. Also, don't judge. Or freak out. Because I'm not getting married anytime soon so Hakuna Matata.

Also, me and Trav are babysitting our cousins all night tonight and tomorrow. That will be fun! Really though. I'll get some good mommy practice. Because in like 5 years, I could be a mommy. Weird. Anway, have a lovely saturday everyone! The snow is melted, the sun is shining and it's a beautiful day!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Today I found out I look like I'm 14. Awesome. As we were going to Anne's basketball game these boys were walking past us girls, looked strait at me and said "dang, these girls look like their 14!"
Thanks guys...
I wish I could go back to when I was 14!! Those were some good times... Weird to think that I only have 8 months left to be a teen and then I am 20! 20 sounds so weird and old and mature... what the heck? Me? 20? Weeiirrd.
Well, those are my random thoughts... I'll just have to live up these last 8 months of being a teen... they'll be gone before I know it!

I'm 15 here... but this is the oldest picture I have on my computer... But weird. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like I look older than this yeah?
Maybe not... I wish I had long hair again. 
*New* New years resolution: Grow my long hair back...

Go Sabercats. I miss Jr High... Oh the days when people were just starting to get phones and text and all that junk. I miss how the only drama was who likes who, and if you even thought about talking to that one boy another that one girl liked they hated you. I love it.
Nate dawg, Live it up. You only have 4 months left!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

a day off

weird how time flies
this is my post from last year. Sometimes I feel weird for having a blog, but when I go back and read it I just am so glad that I have this record of my crazy beautiful life.
Sometimes I feel like I want to go back to high school. Track, Soccer, Choir... So much goodness. But then I look back on it and realize how juvenile everyone is. Yes, I was immature, yes I probably still am. But I feel like I have grown so much in this past year. I feel like people in college are still stupid and immature... but people don't care about the small things and freak out about them like we did in high school. Sometimes I just... sometimes. High school had some good times, and college is stressful beyond measure, but I love it :)

Also, today I went snow-shoeing. Yeah, I had never heard of it either... but it was fun! It's kinda like hiking but in the snow and with special huge shoe things on. Lets just say I fell a lot. It's hard to keep your balance in those shoe things! And hiking around the snow just made me want to snowmobile so bad... but I'll just have to wait for the family's spring break at home for them to come up so I can go! I really miss snowmobiling. I wish we did it more than once a year.... But yeah snow-shoeing was way fun. I went with some fun people in the ward and only got hit in the face by a snowball 5 times! Ha, it was actually pretty funny how many times I got hit in the face. But it's all good.
So um, yeah. That was my Martin Luther King day!! So fun! Except we found out our FHE group got changed so Travis and I aren't in the same FHE group anymore. I'm actually really quite sad. But oh well, life goes on I suppose.

Well, this post was long... maybe I'll spice it up with some pictures when I get them from my roommate :)

I hope everyone's day off was just greaaat! Let the week begin!! This is going to be a busy one with 1 new class and 4 extra hours of training classes for work. But I'll get through it! Nothing is impossible, and impossible is nothing :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Cheesiest

So I would say that I am one of those people that doesn't love change.  I mean good change is good, and I like that kind of change... but the change that doesn't really matter? Yeah I don't like that kind of change.

Baskin Robbins... Um hi, it was not neccessary for you to change your sign! Not like I have ever been to Baskin Robbins in my life, but still! Keep the old sign. It was classy. And now your knew one is too hard to read.

Mcdonalds: Your theme song! Seriously? I LOVED the comercials! With the fun "put a smile on" song with kids on skateboards and kicking soccer balls around? So great! Now you have adults with large white teeth  drinking soda and biting into a huge Big Mac... "ba ba da ba baa... I'm loving it!" . Yeah, not so much. I still remember the first time I saw the new commercial with the new song... One of the saddest days of my childhood.

And Last but not least.
Kraft Maccaroni and Cheese.
Now we all know that Kraft makes the best store bought mac and cheese around and that I like it. and I eat it. Quite regularly. Call  me disgusting... but I like the stuff and everytime I eat it, I eat the whole box!! Because Mac and Cheese left over is not nearly as delightful. Anyway, now that I am a super sophisticated college student and cook hard core meals all the time... I eat it fairly often. So last night at about 11:45 in the p.m. I decided it was time for my second dinner. So I pull out one of the boxes that I bought at the grocery store 3 hours previously and almost have a heart attack. No, I'm serious.

Take a look....

They changed the BOX!!!! WHAT?! Since when?!

it pretty much destroyed my whole night.
I still inhaled the whole box, BUT it was not as good as the original. Don't let them convince you otherwise.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Top Secret

So pretty much today I felt like a secret agent. Actually today I probably became a secret agent. Alright no, I'm kidding... but I still feel cool. :)
Here's why.
But ready yourselves because I amabout to reaveal one of BYU's biggest secrets

Alright, You good?

The Harold B. Lee Library has a 6th floor.

I know, I know!! I freaked out when I found out too...
Pretty much no one knows about it, or at least it seems like no one knows about it because I have never heard it mentioned ever in my whole exsistance. So basically I feel pretty cool, and guess what else... It has vending machines up there!!!! I know, what a miracle!
But sadly, I am not allowed to tell you how to get up there. So it will have to be my secret.

But still.
The library has a 6th floor
and I've been there.

who knew?!

ps, if you have heard of this magical place called the 6th floor please feel free to leave a comment... 
and if you haven't, you can leave a comment as well showing your bewilderment!! Haha, seriously though.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

something weird.

So last night I had a dream that I got my colon removed.
I know what you're thinking... whattheee why is she even telling us this?! what a weirdo...
and to answer that question... honestly I dont know why.
But not having a colon and having a bag instead was probably the weirdest thing I have well, never actually experienced!! Seriously, so weird.

But lately I have been having a million dreams every night and they all are related to something I had been thinking about/talking about that day. I know, how weird... that never happens to me, well at least not this blatenly.

Like how Captain Jack Sparrow was in my dream the night I was listening to the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack....
So, I was thinking... when in the world was I thinking about Colons yesterday?? Because that was the weirdeest dream ever.

and I got it.
I live in the Colon, I mean... Colony. And people call it the Colon.
Hence the freaky dream... I hope living here doesn't make all my dreams weird like it has lately... or maybe it should. Because I have had some greeaat dreams lately as well.
So I suppose in that case, I love the curse the Colony puts on my dreams. It makes my sleeping entertaining to say the least :)

ba da bing, ba da boom.

Monday, January 10, 2011

No, Ma'am

Story time

Today at work I got called Ma'am....
I decided I don't like being called ma'am. 
'cause this is what I picture when I think of a ma'am...

and that's not me

The End :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Alright so as I sit here in the computer lab working my 5 hour shift I have a lot of down time on the computer. So I came across this article and it really put a damper on my so far great day... Really, my day has been great... my roommate Jasmyn made us all some some dang tasty homemade pancakes this morning!! Yeah, she rocks.
Anyway, you really don't have to read the article... because it is really sad. It really made me think about how horrible some people can be and how horrible things can just blindside you when you are least expecting it! Really, I just get so sad and then feel so helpless. But then again, it makes me feel so grateful for my amazing life and family.
I just wish that things like this didn't have to happen to people. I just with that life could be full of nice people, sunshine, ice cream, unicorns and happiness :) But then again, with out the bitter, there would be no sweet... It just seems like we only really notice when the bitter things happen and take the sweet moments in life for granted...

So here's to 2011... Let's remember all the sweet moments in life and "come what may and LOVE it!!"

only at BYU...

Oh, Hi.
Story time.
So yesterday Lynzi and I went to the Wilk around 1 to meet Carson so I could buy his Music 101 book from him... Anywho, so he informed me that I had JUST missed the Date Auction!! Like it was some sort of real event or something...
I know right, The Date Auction. In the Wilk Terrace...  Who even comes up with that??!
Ha, so I laughed at him and didn't really believe him even though he was being 100% serious...
Until, later that day I am walking home and see THIS on the "Welcome Back Week" sign...

 You have GOT to be kidding me...
Really BYU, really?!?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 3

Alright, winter semester has officially begun. I have gone to all of my classes now, and yes going over the syllabus has got to be the most boring thing everrrrrrr. Serious. But surprisingly I haven't changed my schedule ONCE yet, unlike last semester where I swear I changed it every day.
Also, I went to Macey's 2 nights ago and got the most large Ice cream cone I have ever seen in my whole entire exsitence. I am serious. And it was only 1 dollar and 38 cents. I was in heaven and am planning to go back soon

and yes, it is classy to go get an ice cream cone at a grocery store :)

ps, this is my amazing roommate VAL
and my new other roommie/flattie Emily Davis in the background... she's great :)

she's fierce.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The End

2010 has come and gone and man has it been a full year. Filled with ups and downs, goods and bads, laughter and tears.

I finished my last year playing High School Soccer... and man, on our last game verse Gilbert I'll admit I cried like a baby. I think for the first time the whole year

Then regionals came along. It was one of the hardest things to fall in love with the music, practice with the choir for 2 days and then have to sit and watch them perform (hence the sweats and t-shirt). Super long story short... The idiot judge messed up and made me first alternate so I got to go and be in the choir, but not perform with them... The second time I cried all year. Ha, wow. and I thought I wasn't a crier :) 
but then again I should thank her for messing up my try-out. I learned a lot with this experience. 

Then saides with Drew Hooper. Easily one of the most fun dances I have ever been to.

Spring break was a blast. Getting my wisdom teeth out and Snowmobiling with the Smiths all in one week was awesome

Okay I lied about the Wisdom teeth. Easily one of the most annoying things EVER to get out. Really, I hated that week. This picture I found 2 weeks after getting them out. There are like 10 more pictures just like this, and I have no memory of taking them. Ha, drugs really do work.

San Fransisco with Chorale will easily be one of the biggest highlights of my Senior year. I made so many memories on that trip that I'll never forget

My last dance. Senior Prom. Hands Down wins the award for the best dance ever. I had a great date, group, and everything was just perfect.

I had to say goodbye to some of my best friends to missions this year. Tanner Flake, I know you're doing great out there :)

Pole Vault season flew by. I got lectures from coach more times than I can count. But I loved every minute of it.

Performing The Lion King with Chorale was the best EVER. Not kidding, we rocked it and it was just the most fun thing ever. And not gonna lie, I loved being an MC even though I was super bad at keeping a strait face during all the lame jokes :)

Choir easily impacted more than just 2010, it changed my life. Thanks Mr. Schrieber to making Choir the best.
(ps, nice sunglasses....)

In the year 2010, I GRADUATED. High school of course :)
How weird is that. I still feel like I should be 12 years old...

2 days after I graduated my sister had Brain surgery. A week later we found out she has brain Cancer. The summer of 2010 sure was a difficult one, but was filled with some crazy adventures like... 

exploring a huge muddy cave!

and going to the Lake as often as possible

 and I went on some fun dates with some of my bestest friends!

I spent 9 hours a day with these 2 boys working at Telgian... They sure made my summer interesting!
Two weeks after T had Brain surgery she got married.

And I gained a Brother :)

Then she started Radiation and Chemo and her hair started coming out... so we shaved it all off :)

and since Tara and Josh didn't get their real honeymoon, 2 months later the whole Fam went to Coronado with them. They're great

Summer flew by and I had to say goodbye to some people I may never see again...

Then, I became a Cougar :)
And hiked the Y like every good freshman should

Went to football games...

and cheered for my main man Jimmer at some basketball games

we got pranked with 500 balloons in our kitchen

And I saw temple square for the first time!! (maybe it was 1 am...)

joined an intramural team with my roommate emily and LOVED it. seriously, best part of my first semester at BYU

took a "spontaneous" trip to Vegas

found a cave

went to some fun concerts...

made some sunday night dumpster donut runs...

almost died...

and had a GREAT 1st semester at BYU!!

But most of all, I made some great new friends.
Roommates, thanks for making the second half of 2010 the best ever.

This year definitely was an awesome one and I am super exited and nervous to see what next year will bring.

Happy new year everyone!

and 2011...