"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


My blog has officially been through a century of blog posts!
How weird
I have many much things i need to blog about including work and my trip to Utah but this special 100th post goes out to my sister

Tara Lynn Schlappi Bodrero

It's her birthday today. She is turning 21! 21 is a big number. But lets see... where do I begin??
Tara is the most incredible person in the world.
She is the best sister and i love her. A lot a lot a lot.
I couldn't have asked to spend these 18 years of my life with anyone else but her. She's the best. and just totally and completely amazing/awesome/fantastic/incredible sister ever.
I can't WAIT for her to open her present because I just got her theee best present. and I know she is going to love it.
I just know it.
We have had some of the best times together, but really, what sisters haven't??
Some of the craziest things I have ever done have been with her, right by my side.
She is definitely the peacemaker and just wants everyone else to be happy. And she is good at making people happy. And she makes me happy. And I love her.
The END!

oh and naturally I would put some painfully adorable and breathtaking picture of the both of us on here because of ya know, her birthday...
butttt... i'm on my laptop and all of my pictures are on my dads computer upstairs...
So this ridiculously cheesy picture that i just took with my webcam will have to suffice.

Monday, July 26, 2010

okay okay okay...

Once upon a time I was mean.
And I wasn't very nice about some people I work with and I wrote about it in my blog... Yes, the evidence has been destroyed but that is definitely not enough.
To make it up to the people I was unkind to I dedicate this post to Robert Burton.
He told me to mention his name, otherwise I would've given him some privacy and kept it a secret. But its okay..
I've heard it said that for every mean thing you say you have to say like 3 nice things. or is it ten?
I don't remember. So i'll say SOME nice things about good ol' Robert.

First o' all.
He is hilarious. I don't know where he gets his sense of humor... maybe Dave Chappelle... or from all the other comedians and movies I have never heard of and/or seen... Or maybe he is just funny.
Really, he keeps the work day going with a bunch of laughs... like when Rico and I scared him half to death of the pile of boxes. Ohhhh hilarious.

He is creative.
Take a look at all the nicknames he has for me.
Schlappi (very original...)
Mountain View
and last but not least
Boss Lady

He's great.

I think we have a love/hate relationship. Because i pick on him a lot. Kinda like a little brother.
Even though he is grown man.... haha kidding. but if he reads this he'll understand the joke.

OH and this text i recieved from him definitely defines our relationship...
ready? Go

FWD: FWD: FWD: in 2012 the US will start taking retards out of the country. My eyes started watering when i thought of loosing you. Be strong take your crayon.

Can't you just see how much he loves me?? hahaha... anyway... I'm tired and so this post is coming to a close

and for the record I don't hate Robert OR my job!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


I'm OUTTA here.
For 9 whole days.
Can life get any better???
I submit that it cannot.

I am leaving right when we find out the most tedious and annoying task at work. SOo everyone will have to manage without me!
Because this is a MUCH needed break from work.
Muchly much much needed.
Work is stressful and I like it because it keeps me busy.

Ohhh well. I am getting very cultured.
But it really is horrible.
and HOTT! I sweat in a warehouse with no A/C alllll day. and it's 117 degrees outside!!

Anyway moral of the post...
I will be MIB (Missing In Blogging) for the next week or so...


Utahh... here I come.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mission Accomplished!

you'll always be my best friend...


I love my dog.
Yep, she is the best dog.
And guess what?
My sister stole her.
That is just not okay.


My mom won't make her give her back... probably definitely because she hates KC.
I don't know how that is possible because she is the best dog ever to walk this earth... but she does.
and it makes me sad. real sad.

Imma go over to their house right now and steal her back.

This is just unacceptable.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


So I already blogged today on my sisters blog.
I had the pictures so she wanted me to update the blog for her.
So just go there...
Have a wonderful Sunday!


Saturday, July 10, 2010

G'morning Sunshine...

yes, this is my breakfast.
this is what i wake up to, every morning.
it is called a Green Smoothie.
I understand that is an oxymoron at its finest but still, that's its name.
My wonderful mother loves to make them for the whole family every morning.
She thinks its the miracle smoothie i suppose.
and the pictures greatly define all the emotions i go through every morning as i prepare myself to drink this looovely drink.
cool huh.

heres the ingredients.
1. lots of spinach
2. all the fruit that is about to go bad in the fridge

doesn't that sound just AMAZING??!

but actually its not the taste that kills me... its the thick, stringy, and mushy texture that makes me gag a little and makes it hard to swallow.

but its alright i guess... i'm getting my fruits and veggies!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dream On...

So last night I had a dream.

In this dream my phone apparently had lots of important information on it and after a long series of events it ended up being stolen

After the dream ended I woke up randomly at about 4 a.m.

and since I am paranoid about not waking up for work and being late and people hating me and such... I reach for my phone to check and make sure my alarm is set.

But, my phone was not in its usual place right in front of my clock next to my bed.

It was missing.

I even used my camera as a light to look for it.
but, it was no where to be found.
So, I ended up having to set the alarm on the clock...

Anyway, I find that a little bit strange.

but then i secretly love it when those things happen. it makes me think that my dreams aren't always stupid

What weird things have happened to you as of lately??

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Lookit what my mom came home and surprised me with!! She really knows how to make my day...

Also, my 5th of July was a hit. I ate one heck of a burger made my Tony Bodrero himself... aka Josh's dad... and swam.

yepp... no fireworks on the 4th for me! My parents were out visitng people in the ward, and Nate was in Utah so i sat home alone... with my computer.

I really love having all my friends either
A) at BYU for the summer, or B) on vacation.

its grreat

also.... don't you hate it when there is that one person you want to hang out with but you're too afraid to contact them??
because i sure do...

Sunday, July 4, 2010


guess what.

i hate, hate, hate, double hate, and LOATHE entirely...


after 4 weeks of working it has taken 330 dollars from me. and i'm freaking poor.

i'm starting my own country.
who's with me!!