"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"

Monday, December 27, 2010

that time something cool happened to me.

Time to play catch up. Now that I can upload pictures...
 it's Story Time :)
So, if you know me, you know that I live one of those
average-semiboring-notcool-plain type of lives.
 and yes I am guilty of wishing I had one of those lives that makes people go... 
ohmygoshhhhhh she is soooo cool!! I wish I was her and had her life!!!!!!!
Yeah, that's not me.
there was this one time that something cool happened to me :)

Once upon a time I went to a BYU basketball game where I was in awe of Jimmer's skills and drolled over #41 and BYU killed whatever lame team we were playing. Then I came home. Then about 2 minutes later there was a knock at the door and the Legends Pizza delivery boy hands me 
Pepperoni Pizza with Orange Fanta
and yes I am aware they spelled my last name wrong... but in pencil above the error they have written 
(if the name is spelled wrong, it's Lengend's fault...)
and the photo was taken with a camera phone so you can't see it... sorry.

So i'm thinking the random human called them and they didn't hear the human right and it looks so weird they probably knew that something was spelled wrong...
 Thats my confused/excited face ^^^

and This would be my vampire fangs face. ignore the awkward stance, I was probably laughing at Markie's inability to take the picture or somethin :) haha
but I put this one up because it's not as blurry....

BUT IT"S BEEN LIKE 2 MONTHS... and I STILL don't know who dropped it off!!
Yeah, reveal yourself already!
Also, I don't know who knew I had a test  that I was stressing for infinity and beyond for besides like my roommates. Yeah, what a mystery!

But I guess I should just be grateful for the anonymous human who made me feel special and cool and important. They made my whole month!

Thanks man! or woman...

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Christmas this year seemed a little different than others... It's weird coming home a week before Christmas and being rushed to feel all the excitement that Christmas brings. Lots of things were different this year... I helped dad get the stocking stuffers... Tara was married... it just felt different. But it was great nontheless :)

Dropping off Christmas to our random family from the Spanish branch so great. It was really humbling to see this sweet  family living in such poor conditions. It really makes me feel super spoiled and blessed.
Brigham was so cute on Christmas eve helping everyone open their presents!! I love how excited he gets... I can't wait until I get to have little kids :) ps, yes I am aware that is at least like 7 years away... but still. I'm so stoked :)
Christmas Eve after our little Christmas Eve program finished and Ryan, Steph, Brig, Tara and Josh went home the rest of us finished the first season. SO GOOD. Granted I saw the whole first season like 2 years ago with Tara, it was still intense. We started the second season last night and watched 4 episodes. I swear it's a disease.

But Christmas has come and gone and will be here in another 364 days. Maybe next year the family will plan ahead a little better and not feel so rushed... haha :)

Oh, and today I went to The Spencer Frame's farewell. He did so great and I'm really gonna miss that kid.
See that goober in the back?? Yeah, that'd be him :)

I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas!!

Friday, December 24, 2010


It is a mad house during this time of year. Me and my pops did a last minute stocking-stuffers run and I think I saw at least 10 people I know. Including my own sister.

Never ever go to Wal-Mart on Christmas Eve... I highly recommend planning ahead. 

Also, I love Christmas Break :)
It may be filled with no time and so much busyness...but I love it. I love seeing family all the time and continuing new traditions as well as making new ones. OH, and my family is officially addicted to Lost. Last year my parents watched all the 24 seasons and it is looking like this year will be filled with Lost. Awesome.
We go to the dunes next week. I seriously can't even wait. This has got to be one of my most favorite Christmas Break traditions... So much happiness.
But we leave in an hour to drop off Christmas to our family from the Spanish Branch... Me and Travis were in charge of providing Christmas for a family of 5. Usually we do just one family as a family but this year we are taking on like 5 families. Talk about crazyy!!! But it's been fun :)

Well, Christmas Eve is about to start.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


As you all know I am moving out of the Dorms... BUT I have not found a replacement yet to take my contract which is kind of an expensive problem because of the fact that I have already signed with another apartment complex.
SO... if anyone knows of anybody who needs/wants to live in Heritage Halls I would LOVE it if you let me know! And you would save me 1,080 dollars... so you would probably be my most favorite person on the earth.

Thats all :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

There's no place like home

I'm HOME! And it feels so good. I saw the most gorgeous purpleorangeredyellow sunset last night. And and I drove Nate dawgs friends around in our new truck with the windows down and a short sleeve T-shirt on and it felt GREAT! I can walk outside barefoot and not have my feet freeze to the ground!... Man, this is home. I spent at least an hour last night laying in bed thinking about how much I love sleeping in my big comfy bed with multiple pillows and blankets and how much I miss sleeping with the fan on :)
Seriously college needs to start putting fans on the ceilings because I love them.
I love waking up and not having to make my own breakfast but getting to devour as many chocolate chip waffles as I dang well please.

I love it here. Provo, don't be surprised if I never come back!

Friday, December 17, 2010


So one time (aka) Wednesday... We all went outside and took pictures of our family. 4 of the boys are leaving on their missions and 2 of us girls are moving out! Weird. I love these guys.

This is my wonderful "family" up here (minus kelcey) I really am gonna miss those boys
These girls are my favorites. Rooming with them has been an absolute blast and a hlaf.
We are great. And miss kelcey in all these pictures... She left to the Library.
But, we had to take a couple pictures before we left... Me and Kelc are both moving out. 2 out of the 3 Toros in the dorm will be gone. Markie, you'll have to represent big time.

This here is Markie.
I Love her like it's my job and am really gonna miss her screaming :) I'm sad we were never friends in high school because I never knew what I was missing out on until now. Seriously, she's is the best.

Meet Emily. Yes, we cannot take a good looking picture together so please ignore the very attractive faces we are making... hahaha. But I love this girl so much. Honestly, I don't know how I'll survive next semester without her... Oh wait, I won't. So good thing we'll still be friends and will HAVE to see each other for co-ed intramurals... Right?? Right. I'm really really gonna miss not having anyone yelling "I HATE YOU" and "SHUT UP" at me all the time... :)

 Emma here is the sweetest/nicest person you will meet. Also, she is obsessed with Lost and cooks so good. I wish I had her skills. And she has a pretty camera that we took all these pictures with :)

Elizabeth... Man she is just great. She loves moose's. Also she is like a walking encyclopedia so if you ever need to know anything about anything...ASK HER. Seriously, she is brilliant AND goodlooking. Win win for her!

Even though I love my roommates a whole bunch, this is how they treat me. I know right, how sad.
Well, this is it. The end of an unforgettable semester. Thanks for making it amazing girls, come visit me a lot, and don't party too hard without me! :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

study break

as I sit here for hours studying for my last final... I can't help but think about next semester. Lots of things will change and I am excited/scared for all of them.

Exciting things coming in 2011
1. 5 minutes ago I bought myself a new laptop online. I'm out 500 dollars but I am quite exited to not have to be in the Library 24/7 especially since next semester it will be further away from where I am living which brings me to number 2
2. I will no longer be living on campus in 224 Tingey Hall. I am moving to The Colony further from campus, the library, Emily, Markie, Elizabeth, and Emma. I know, this is news to a lot of people! And no, it's not because I hate my roommates because I actually love them a lot and am so sad I am leaving them! And quite honestly I don't know exactly why I am leaving. It was kinda a random decision made from a late night phone call with Travis. It's weird to think that my how life is changing based off of this one decision. No more freshman lifestyle, no more getting pranked every other day by my FHE brothers, no more not being worried about boys because I am surrounded by freshmen, and no more freshmen. None of that. It will all change. I am even ready for this? Debatable... Am I excited? OF COURSE!! I am rooming with the one and only Valerie Goodman. We thought we would never be able to but then in a matter of 4 hours on Monday afternoon that all changed :) We made a spontaneous gut decision to move and be roommates. I will be leaving the wonderful dorms and she is abandoning the nice apartments that are cheaper, have underground parking and closer to her school. But, we will be roommates and I am so dang excited. I also will be in the same ward AND fhe group as Travis. That was also a factor in the decision and honestly the reason why this is all happening is because he pushed and and had me make a couple more phone calls after telling him twice that it was just too hard and wasn't going to work. I have the best brother. But yeah. I'm moving!! How weird is that.
3. I'll have a job. Hallelujah! I am excited for this mostly for the income (after spending 3,500 dollars today on tuition, housing for The Colony, and my new laptop... I'm reaaally gonna need it), but also because I will get to meet a bunch of new fun people. Yes.
4. I can't think of a 4. But mostly all I can think about is how I am moving out and it is all just so bittersweet....

Well, back to Physical Science the final from... heaven!
I can't even wait to dominate you buddy, so get ready.
Seriously though. I'm gonna kill this test.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Finals Week is Scary

Not only in the sense that the Finals themselves are scary, but that scary things happen
For example.
Here I am in the computer lab, minding my own business and all of the sudden the girl sitting next to me starts like shaking and spazzing out and she like flops over on the desk. The girl on the other side of her and I exchange worried looks and then the other girl scratches her back and asks her if she was okay... even though obviously she was not.
She then sits up and was like all dazed and dizzy and then a good 10 minutes later some medical people show up because the other chick made like a phone call and talked to some people or something.
She became more normal and then talked to the medical guy and she was like "yeah, it's not like i'm running off no food or sleep or anything! This has never happened to me before..."
Seriously though, she doesn't have a history of this kind of stuff happening to her, and the security guy said that it kinda happens a lot during finals week.
It really was SO scary.

Geez! Moral of the story is...
Cover all surfaces around you in foam or bubble wrap because you never know when that will happen to you...

But really, careful out there guys... these finals are out to kill us.

Monday, December 13, 2010

El Fin

Finals week has officially begun!!
And I thought finals in High School were bad??
Yeah, welcome to the week of misery.
I am going to eat, drink, and sleep Physical Science for the next 3 days. And in that order. Lets just say there will not be much sleeping going on...

Anyway. This weekend was awesome and filled with some amazing memories.

Oh, and look what I found on the 4th floor...
 Hahaha.. only at BYU.

Good Luck with finals everyone!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I absolutely HATE physical science tests. 

I HATE them

Thats all :)


I heard this song on my Glee (Holiday) station on Pandora and fell in love.
Not only because these guys are so talented, but because they are witty and mix it with one of one of my most favorite songs at the end :)
I love it!
Listen to it. It's very entertaining...

Best Friends.

It's amazing how something as simple as a late night phone call with a friend from home, or going out to lunch with someone you haven't seen in a long time that you have missed a lot can make everything better :)
Last night Val, who I just love, gave me a call and I just loved it. And I just love her :) I'm SO excited for her to move here come Janurary.
And today I ran into THE Stephanie Peterson and we went and had lunch in the MOA. Hi, I have been missing this girl so much lately and lunch was the perfect time to catch up during our busy college lives...

Meet Steph and Val.
Aren't they just the most gorgeous people you have ever seen??
Yeah, they're my best friends... Lucky me
Prom activity 2010


I miss our lunch time sonic runs...

beautiful girls
I seriously love them both and they have helped make my stressful week happy :)

Thanks you two.

Now off with blogging and on to studying!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


So here's the deal. Growing up I have always been like, "yeah, when I have kids I want like 5 boys". After today, that still stands.
My reasoning for wanting a lot of boys was originally because boys have less sass, drama, clothing, and emotions. But today I have found the real reason why... They have less hair.
Living with 5 other girls our apartment gets covered in hair.

I vacuumed the couch today, disgusting.
Swept the floor, even more gross.
And the grossest off all is when I wear like sweats or something and after walking around for like 5 minutes they are covered in hair!!

Really, it's getting out of hand.
So I have made my decision. Yes, I do want at least one girl, BUT her hair will permanently be in a ponytail. As will mine. Because us girls have a real problem with shedding, and it's gross. Especially when it's not your own hair... Ugh

Anway, that was random.
OH! And story time.

So yesterday as I was walking home from the HBLL at 11:30 in the p.m. i heard some voices... Talking. To eachother. So I look around and there is no one to be seen... until i realize they are in the tree. YES a tree?? You know those huge big tall ones by the Wilk and the HFAC? Yeah, 2 girls just sitting up there, hidden... at 11:30 at night.
Seriously the weirdest experience ever.
Good for them though...!

Anyway, that's all for now.

Over and out.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Soo... because I have written 2 kinda sad posts in a row I decided I need to make a post that is positive.
and happy :)

So my whole issue with the I-9 form worked out. Happy :) 
My training only took 2 hours instead of 3. Happy :) 
I just finished my Bio essay. SO Happy :) 
Probably I will be out of the Lib by 11:30. Happy :)
A week and a half until christmas break. Happy :)
I have an apple pie in the freezer waiting for me to put in the oven. Happy :)
I have some lovely friends and roomates. Happy :)
I showered today. Happy :)
I also treated myself to some Subway in my 1 hour break and ate with some friends. Happy :)
(ps, can't you tell I kinda ran out of things to be happy about at the end?... haha)

Okay so i will stop there.
I still need to study hardcore parkor for my Physical Science test and Clean for cleaning checks tomorrow and go to a review everynight and never ever have time to be home and relax but thats okay :)
I am learning to be happy through my stressful busyness.
I mean come on, EVERYONE is stressed and busy during finals, and I am no exception.
So, I am going to embrace finals week and stop complaining. or at least try to...

Come What May and Love It.
Or, Come Finals, I Love You.... okay that's a stretch, but still...

I'm happy, and leaving the library.

Time to clean!!

There have been worse days.

That's what I keep trying convince myself as I run around my apartment and the whole city of Provo trying to get things done. YES i finally got my I-9 form filled out!!... but I've learned that you should never ever fork out 20 dollars to get something delivered overnight, because it won't get there at the "guaranteed" time. 
Trust me, I have learned that one the hard way....
S'all good though. 
Now I'm off to my PS100 review from 3-5 and then getting trained for my new job for winter semester from 6-9. I haven't even touched my bio essay due tomorrow or any other homework yet. The social security office sucked up all my time in the day. AND I have a cleaning check tomorrow afternoon. 
Hence the super short post.

I can do this!

Monday, December 6, 2010

i'm tired

You know that time in life when you are busier than all get out? Yeah, that's me.
Ever heard of Murphy's law?
Yeah, that's my life right about now.
But it's fine. 2 weeks from now I will be home devouring cheese balls, homemade salsa, ice cream, and lots and lots of chololate goodies...
Mmm :) Weird how typing that one sentence made me feel all happy inside for a bit.

But really, sometimes I just need a break. Break from life. A break from thinking about everything going on in my life. I have been known to stress out about everything. The little things, the things that no one thinks about? Yeah, I stress out over them.

But I need to get back to studying and figuring out what to do about my I-9 form that I can't fill out not only because I don't have my social security card OR birth certificate... but because the people who hired me didn't fill out some paperwork so I even can fill it out. So I need to call them or something. And get it filled out before tomorrow afternoon.

But I did have a good weekend! So that's a plus. Too bad it ended too soon.

oh and ps, my apologies for the post. It isn't as upbeat and happy as they usually are...

Also, I could go for one of these right about now... 
Mint Chocolate Chip Hot Fudge Sunday at Ghiradelli Square in San Fran.
Best happy food EVER!
Mmm...:) marry me??

Friday, December 3, 2010

Would You Like Some Grapes and Wine??

 So this video is hilarious. Watch it. It will be the best 8 seconds of your life!!

Also, I helped Markie remake a blog last night!! She had one like a year ago but never posted. And she will post now because she is awesome. So visit it here :)

Today is Friday! My last Friday classes of this semester!! So weird! But I love it. I have loooved my food class that I have every Friday. We make the most deliciously yummy food on the earth and it just rocks my world. I would take it every semester if I could! And if they didn't use the same recipes every semester... But it really is so fun! I suggest everyone takes it! SFL110. Sign up. Now.
Oh and last night we lost our intramural game. We had won 8 games in a row and never lost until now! We even got moved up a division. So the competition was better. But we played hard and went all the way to the semi-finals. So I am proud of us. I know Emily already posted the picture and everything, but who cares.

This is us. L for Losers. Normally we did a W for win, but yeah... oh well! I had so much fun and we will just have to make our own dang shirts!! Also, don't judge my facial expression.

Anyway. Its the weekend! Hallelujah! On the to do list. Study, Laundry, Study, Read for Physical Science, Eat, and Sleep.
and well, Food Network will be in there too of course... :)

Happy weekend everyone!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The... the... THE GRINCH!

So guess what! My super awesome and cool roommate EMILY has a blog now! Yeah, stalk her if you dare.

But Yesterday was a good day. Why? Not because I felt like crap, and am overwhelmed beyond overwhelmed... but because I watched THE GRINCH!
Umm Hi, that's probably my favorite Christmas movie. Of course I love Elf, and Home Alone, but The Grinch just is the best. Hands Down. Jim Carrey is just amazing. Seriously, his voice, his facial expressions?? Amazing. plus there are so many hilarious one liners that I just love. Love love love.
Mr Grinch, I have a fat crush on you.

Now, for my favorite quotes from the movie... They make me laugh soo hard :)

Even if I wanted to go my schedule wouldn't allow it. 4:00, wallow in self pity; 4:30, stare into the abyss; 5:00, solve world hunger, tell no one; 5:30, jazzercize; 6:30, dinner with me - I can't cancel that again; 7:00, wrestle with my self-loathing... I'm booked! Of course, if I bump the loathing to 9, I could still be done in time to lay in bed, stare at the ceiling and slip slowly into madness. But what would I wear?

Hey Honey our Baby's here!!... He looks just like your boss...

I'm toasty inside... And I'm leaking!

Oh, no, the sleigh, the presents, they'll be destroyed, and I care! What is the DEAL!!

Now you listen to me, young lady! Even if we're *horribly mangled*, there'll be no sad faces on Christmas.

Everybody seems to kerbabbled. Isn't this just a little superfluous?  

Am I just eating because I'm bored!?!

Blast this Christmas music. It's joyful and triumphant. 

Hate, hate, hate. Hate, hate, hate. Double Hate. LOATHE ENTIRELY! 

What's that stench? It's fantastic.  


If you utter so much as one syllable, I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN AND GUT YOU LIKE A FISH! If you'd like to fax me, press the star key.  

Oh, the Who-manity. 
Anyway, just go watch the Grınch!
And have a happy day because it isn't SNOWING!!