"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


So here's the deal. Growing up I have always been like, "yeah, when I have kids I want like 5 boys". After today, that still stands.
My reasoning for wanting a lot of boys was originally because boys have less sass, drama, clothing, and emotions. But today I have found the real reason why... They have less hair.
Living with 5 other girls our apartment gets covered in hair.

I vacuumed the couch today, disgusting.
Swept the floor, even more gross.
And the grossest off all is when I wear like sweats or something and after walking around for like 5 minutes they are covered in hair!!

Really, it's getting out of hand.
So I have made my decision. Yes, I do want at least one girl, BUT her hair will permanently be in a ponytail. As will mine. Because us girls have a real problem with shedding, and it's gross. Especially when it's not your own hair... Ugh

Anway, that was random.
OH! And story time.

So yesterday as I was walking home from the HBLL at 11:30 in the p.m. i heard some voices... Talking. To eachother. So I look around and there is no one to be seen... until i realize they are in the tree. YES a tree?? You know those huge big tall ones by the Wilk and the HFAC? Yeah, 2 girls just sitting up there, hidden... at 11:30 at night.
Seriously the weirdest experience ever.
Good for them though...!

Anyway, that's all for now.

Over and out.


Karli said...

i hate shedding. i feel like I'm responsible for all of it in my apartment, and yes, it is disgusting. I avoid sitting on the ground because it gets all tangled. nasty!

Mom said...

Boys are loud. Girls are high pitched. They play differently. I don't think one is easier than the other; having experienced both! If you have 5 boys you have 5 eagle projects to do; a daunting thought! BUT the missionary letters might just make all those Eagle projects worth it.