"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

blast from the past.

Oh wow. Facebook really is a wonderful thing. Really! Here's why:: My good friend Marissa Stoker put up some pictures from oh you know, back in the day and since we were inseperable from age 4... Lets just say I was in a couple :)

Here are some classics.

It's true that pictures really say a thousand words. I could go on and on and on about this picture!
Here's the story: back in the day I would go to Miss's house probably every day 
and we would do one of 2 things.
1. Play dress up, or
2. Play house
Not only did she have the most dress ups, but her older sister Ashley LOVED to dress us up! Really, it was amazing. So Ashley would always dress us up and  make little outfits for us out of fabric and boas... kinda like miss's in this picture. BUT I would never let ashley dress me up immodestly... So pictures like this always turned out; Miss with her little devil outfit, and me with my completely modest angel outfit. Hahah... amazing. I love it.
Also, Ashley would always take off my glasses for the picture to make me look prettier or something... But the result was my crossed eyes. Oh man.

Another picture at the Stokers. I was such and awkward child...  You get a better look at my gargantuan glasses in this one! haha.

Oh my 7th grade... we look like such babies. I swear 7th graders now a days look like I did when I was in high school... doing their hair all good and wearing all this hard-core makeup. Wait, I still don't do my hair and wear tons of make-up... uh... Yeah, kids are growing up way to fast these days. It's almost as if they are skipping their awkward stage. NOT OKAY. If I had to go through my awkward stage seen here, than my kids will have to too :) 
Also, weird that little Meghan Peifer is already married!! Holy crap.

And last but not least.
I have a little downtime at work so I created this little gem.
The picture on the right was taken at our ward Halloween party our senior year, and the picture on the left is from above but we were probably 5 years old. A 13 year stretch here people.
Just goes to show that people never change!!

Yeah, basically most of my best and funniest memories are with this girl!! It's weird not seeing her every week and I swear I will always think of something funny and then no one will get it except I know if Miss was here she would, and we would laugh together. Moral of the story is, Marissa Anne Stoker needs to get her booty up to Provo ASAP! Because I miss her, and these pictures made me laugh for hours. and wait, I am still laughing because they are amazing.

ALSO good news minute:

I SOLD MY SPRING/SUMMER CONTRACT!!!! Mesa, Az here I come!!!!!!


Marissa Anne said...

HAHA! I am loving this post right now, no, forever! This just seriously brightened up my dull day at work x10. Seriously its like the sun is in here its so bright! I hate how I'll start saying "remember..." and realize that the person I'm talking to is not you and that they wouldn't remember... so many memories and we are gonna make new ones when I am in PROVO!

Mom said...

This made me laugh..... thanks - I could always use a good laugh. Wish you were here to celebrate all the men being gone to Priesthood.... Outback, here we come!!! Well, we'll have good times soon!!!